This was on the old site, I since have added a strobe kit and thought it was worthy putting on here.
Here is the equipment:
Sound Off Pinnacle Mini Lightbar
Whelen Dual Avenger
Star 90w Strobe Pack
Galls Strobe HAWs x6
Carson Volunteer Airhorn
45 Angle
Blue Blur
Strobe Pack(Not finished hiding wires )
It is still dark out so this video will have to do for now, sorry! (It was better quality but I guess movie maker took away some flashes, sorry )¤t=Ranger.mp4
Oh, be sure to comment and tell me what you think, no matter how bad you think it is
Here is the equipment:
Sound Off Pinnacle Mini Lightbar
Whelen Dual Avenger
Star 90w Strobe Pack
Galls Strobe HAWs x6
Carson Volunteer Airhorn
45 Angle
Blue Blur
Strobe Pack(Not finished hiding wires )
It is still dark out so this video will have to do for now, sorry! (It was better quality but I guess movie maker took away some flashes, sorry )¤t=Ranger.mp4
Oh, be sure to comment and tell me what you think, no matter how bad you think it is