2007 Ford Expedition. Funeral Home / Vol. FF Response

RDT Car 25

May 22, 2010
Milford, CT
2007 Ford Expedition. Owner is a Funeral Director and a volunteer Firefighter. Used for Funeral Procession Lead Vehicle, First Call Vehicle or Pallbearers and VFD Response. All of the equipment was recycled from other vehicles.

Equipment installed:

(2) Nova XPAK 904

(2) Whelen GRLSTR (Purple), Lower grille

(4) Whelen Micro Grillemasters (Blue), 2 Front Grille, 2 Rear Window

(2) Nova Strobe HAW (Clear), Front Turn Signals

(1) Whelen Dual Talon (Blue/Blue), Above RVM

(3) Able 2 switches. Purple / Front Blue / Rear Blue











Nice job, I got a VFF buddy who has a similar setup with his front clear warning lights on a separate switch from the red lights for use with his Funeral Home job.
TheGatekeeper said:
So tempting to crack a very bad joke, but I will refrain.. :cool:
When I worked full time in EMS, I also worked part time at a Funeral Home. Plus, my wife was in school for Respiratory Therapy.

It was a running joke that I brought them to the hospital, she killed them and I got them back. :roll: :twisted:
When I started in EMS in the 80's there was a local funeral home that still did ambulance. Leonard ambulance ran out of the funeral home in the back room. The old saying was " Be them live or be them dead they always rode with Ron and Fred( the owners)"
TheGatekeeper said:
So tempting to crack a very bad joke, but I will refrain.. :cool:

OK, I'll tell a true story then:

My ex used to moon light at a rural hospital ER on the week ends back in the early 80's. The county had no public EMS service in the unincorporated areas, people would call the private ambo service of their choice. A family was concerned about how grandma was doing, so they call an area FH based service. An EMT and another FH employee (with no EMS training) travel to the scene in a blue Econoline van that had lightbar with clear domes, the FH name painted on the side, and magnetic star of life decals on the side. The interior had twin cot mounts, a side seat at the head of the cots, and couple of O2 e tanks. At the time this was legal in Ohio due to a loop hole in the law regarding EMT staffing and a legal difference between "Emergency" and "Non-Emergency " transport vehicles. The EMT drives to the hospital (about 15-20 miles away) while the other guy rides in the back. Out in the middle of nowhere, the guys in the back says, "I think she stopped breathing". EMT does not pull over and trade places, but "lights it up and respond for the 10 minute drive to the hospital. ER staff works the patient for about 45 minutes, then calls it. After talking with the family, they call the same FH and you guessed it; same 2 guys show up in the same van, only the SOL magnets have been taken off. My Ex about came unglued. When they left the hospital with the remains, the non EMT drove... :? :?
I've almost done that before. Worked a code into the ED only to get a phone call leter that night to work the wake or funeral. I always ask the name so I don't show up in my suit and tie for the same family. That might be a bad night.
Its almost strange being involved in both sides of a bad call like this. It never really hits me when I lose a patient until I see my dad pull up in the ambulance garage with his van and cot. Or a couple of times I have had to run to get the van, then do the removal as well after I worked the ambulance call. I typically dont change though as its a small town and everyone understands, one family was even thankful that I did both, they thought it was more fitting and said it truly showed them that everything possible was done to try to save their loved one.
I am from NH, where I am an EMT/Firefighter, who also works at the local funeral home as a Funeral Service Assistant ( door holder at wakes, do removals etc...). So when I started at the funeral home my boss asked me why Death did not seem to bother me? I told her that I have been working codes, and seeing suicides for four or fives years now. So yes my town is also a small town where everyone knows everyone, and i agree that they actually enjoy seeing me come back to their home/hospital setting to do the removal of their loved one. They know that he or she will be taken care of. So with that being said, i love the install. I cant say i have purple lights in my vehicle, but i would if i could. HAHAHA Great install mike
Hey .. No worse than working a code ..riding the truck back to the sta. ..then hoping in your vehicle to go to same scene ..... For the Coroners Office!!! i know guys who do this. I avoid the guys w the EDTSM stickers on their helmets ( Everyone is Dying To See Me) Shaking Head

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