Amazing dash cam footage of a pursuit on a motor!


Veteran Member
Oct 15, 2010
This is fantastic footage. The officer in the video did and absolutely spectacular job. Hats off to him.


That was amazing.

Even more at how fast backup was there when he bailed.

All the roads they were on I thought backup was never going to get there.
Very professional pursuit. Hats off to the officer.
Awesome video, outstanding riding by the officer, great job communicating and great job with backup. They couldn't have done it much better. My only suggestion would be for the first unmarked car to drive AHEAD of the suspect and force him to surrender immediately or turn back to the motor officer on foot. Anyway, AMAZING JOB!!!
Awesome riding.

And to be exact it's a BMW 1200 RT P.

They're great bikes to ride, we've got the same over here and my station is the one that covers the BMW Motorcycle production plant. ;)

Guess what stands in my garage. :D
No tunnel vision there. Did you notice how he looked both ways before going through the stops signs? Excellent driving!
Firefly Berlin said:
Awesome riding.

And to be exact it's a BMW 1200 RT P.

They're great bikes to ride, we've got the same over here and my station is the one that covers the BMW Motorcycle production plant. ;)

Guess what stands in my garage. :D

a honda?

Those BMW's are very cool bikes. Notice at the start how the windscreen raises up! Great riding.
ISU_Cyclone said:
It's the god damn Terminator on a motorcycle....wrong guy to run from.

"Say, that's a nice bike."

Solvarex said:

Marked by defiance; boldly resisting.



Indisputable; certain: a definite victory.

Oops, didn't even notice that. I ment to say "definitely". And that's why I don't like posting things on my phone :duh: Thanks for the grammar lesson :D
HILO said:
Those BMW's are very cool bikes. Notice at the start how the windscreen raises up! Great riding.

Wow! good eye brother, I didn't catch that but after viewing the video again, that is awesome!
To the OP, can you edit your post to the original video link. I hate people that steal videos from the original poster for their own gain.

I was going to post this but saw it was already posted.

Yes it is a BMW just by looking at the controls, I owned a 2001 BMW RTP and it was a nice bike.

If you watch the start of the video they pass the police station or at the least a service yard for the city as you see a B&W fueling up. My guess is that they did pass the PD as you see the three detectives in the Grand Marquis (No it is NOT a CVPI) as they all hopped in that one car to get in the chase. Why use three cars when they can all be in one for a stronger force, so that is good use of resources there. Later in the chase you see B&W at the intersection before the unmarked appears and finally a B&W Charger (I think). The one fast running detective takes the suspect out when he appears to stumble climbing the hill of the ditch. The Motor Officer seemed to get slowed down by the slower running detective.

The Motor Officer was well trained to handle high speed pursuits as he did not crash, but the fool in the cage did. He slowed to a safe speed to go through intersections and looked all over for traffic. The officer also knows his beat, calling out the street names way before a sign could be seen.

Basically very good job in all and one of the best perspectives of a chase I have ever seen. I bet the suspect though he could get away from that motorcycle, looks like he was VERY wrong.
They should show this video as training thats how perfect it was! Amazing quality also loved it and will share with my fellow local officers.

that guy has to be a little simple in the head to think he can outrun a damn crotch rocket black and white!

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