Heres two videos of an Ohio State Trooper who seems to have an issue with this guy. What do you guys think of it?
First video
First video
mcpd2025 said:ffemt045, care to explain where the abuse of authority is? Just based upon the video, the officer makes a traffic stop and the driver gets out of the vehicle, thats a red flag to me. Where I am from, the driver has to stay in the car and the police have the right to use force to keep you in the car. This guy gets out, when confronted he immediately jams his hands into his pockets. That is a another red flag. Then he tries to run away from the officer... you guessed it, another red flag.
When you flee on foot, I am allowed to chase you and use reasonable force to detain you. If you don't stop voluntarily, I am allowed to use physical force. Again, the driver is sending yet another red flag and the officer is responding with reasonable force to overpower the driver. The officer then attempts to cuff him, because the driver is obviously combative (red flag) and the officer is obviously alone. At this point the driver is resisting arrest and the officer is no longer able to simply use physical force to subdue him.
The next move up the use of force continuum is probably a protective instrument. That includes whacking the heck out of him with a nightstick (probable injury to all involved), give him an OC shower (definite hour long discomfort to all involved, unless driver is under the influence, have to provide medical attention to all affected parties) or Tase him (very short period of discomfort, 99.99% chance of immediate compliance, 99.99% chance of immediate recovery).
Then when you consider that the officer knows the driver, perhaps there was a lookout for the vehicle from an earlier crime. Maybe the driver beat up his old lady and was driving back to his house. Maybe the driver is a known crackhead. Regardless, I didn't see any evidence of abuse of authority or any misconduct on the officer's part.
Just like I don't make negative comment on how you should do parts of your job that I am not trained or knowledgeble about, its not very fair for you to sit there and make uninformed negative remarks about an officer that is trying to do his job. That is the job of the uninformed general public, not somebody who is in public safety and should know the kind of work environment that we deal with.
On December 14th, 2009 an Ohio State Trooper acquaintance of my ex, pulled into my driveway, gun drawn, calling me by name and ordering me to the ground. I refused to lay down in the mud until he told me what the charge was. He told me that I was speeding earlier and he tried to cuff me. When I refused to be arrested without a charge, he threw me down in my driveway, held me there, and waited for backup to come and taser me TWICE. It wasn't until after that, that he told me I was under arrest for resisting arrest and suspicion of drinking alcohol. No sobriety tests were offered and he took me to the hospital e.r. to have a needle stuck in my arm. But before I could even give my blood, my ex walks in to the e.r. moments after I got there. She had just filed a motion with juvenile court to take away my shared parenting a month earlier, and I then knew this was all a set up and there was no way I was offering my DNA to her. There is another video of what I stated earlier, although it has been altered by them. I have a jury trial in September. Would love for an attorney to help me file charges against them and sue.
ryan said:I kinda call this thing a set up as well,
First off he followed the guy into his drive, the motor was off in the vehicle lights were turned off by the time the trooper got to him so i don't believe he was fleeing, he actualy walked back to the car per the video.
how does the trooper recall a guys name from 2 years ago in a different vehicle and not located at this guys address? troopers do not respond to house calls here in ohio.
the alleged asks to see his speed which is legal here in ohio for an officer to produce even tho they have this new law that says an officer can guess your speed and your screwed. but why was the officer so forward in making this guy sit in the back of his cruiser even after being searched. seems totally bs to me.
I'll be very curious as to what his appeal will bring. To appeal a 10 day jail sentence on his obvious mentally unstable attitude towards authority sends a messege to everyone in "our" county. He is lucky not to have gotten 6 months behind bars.rick h. said:after watching both video's of this gentleman :roll: .I believe after listening to the citizen rant and rave that The trooper would remember him as there was a good chance he also made a butt of himself before from the previous contact ,and more than likely anytime he has came into contact with any authority he has reacted in the same fashion.
To Matt and Ryan.... A few years ago I read in the paper that this guy picked up a car in the middle of the road with a fork lift and dropped the car....with people inside. There were injuries to a senior citizen and juvenile. The alleged then grabbed his daughter and ran into the woods to get to his mother's home where he dropped the child off. He then grabbed a machete and was waving it to "this" same officer. is easy to know why this patrolman remembered him. A set up, no way. He just happened to be speeding by the wrong officer. As you can see in this video, after refusing to "just sit in the cruiser", he fled on foot. A very predictable move by this man who seems to be blaming everyone else for his idiot actions. WHY did he refuse a blood test at the hospital? I doubt if it had anything to do with an "ex", he knew it would bust him for sure.MATT3045 said:Ryan,
In areas where we live like Stark, Summit, Cuyahoga and such, troopers don't respond to calls at houses. In other parts of the state they do. They respond as mutual aid to Sheriff offices. You take some place like Wayne county that has something like 3 -5 deputies on shift county wide now because of budget cuts, OSP is responding to a lot more things than just crashes or DUI's.
Also in Ohio, officers are not required to show you their radar.
I am not saying this was or was not a set up, I do not know. I am just saying I will bet money that there is a lot more to this story then what is shown. Plus the guy says OSP edited the video, how do we know that he didn't before he posted it.
PLEASE READ WHAT I WROTE TO MATT AND RYAN ABOUT THE INCIDENT FROM A FEW YEARS AGO....IT WAS ALL OVER THE PAPERS.spike91 said:I'm calling foul. No way a trooper remembers a name from a bullshit incident from two years ago.
Are you sure the forklift incident wasn't a set-up, maybe the troopers forced him into the fork lift and handcuffed him to the controls. :lol: :lol: J/K. Someone waves a machete at me, you better damn well believe I am gonna remeber them.cppd664 said:To Matt and Ryan.... A few years ago I read in the paper that this guy picked up a car in the middle of the road with a fork lift and dropped the car....with people inside. There were injuries to a senior citizen and juvenile. The alleged then grabbed his daughter and ran into the woods to get to his mother's home where he dropped the child off. He then grabbed a machete and was waving it to "this" same officer. is easy to know why this patrolman remembered him. A set up, no way. He just happened to be speeding by the wrong officer. As you can see in this video, after refusing to "just sit in the cruiser", he fled on foot. A very predictable move by this man who seems to be blaming everyone else for his idiot actions. WHY did he refuse a blood test at the hospital? I doubt if it had anything to do with an "ex", he knew it would bust him for sure.