Code 3 pse website has been updated

More pics of that cute cop on the main page, please!
Is it just me or does this look like a bad photoshop job from their site awww.code3pse.com_public_media_fild_FM900Ambulance.jpg
charlie82 said:
Is it just me or does this look like a bad photoshop job from their site awww.code3pse.com_public_media_fild_FM900Ambulance.jpg

Their last catalog has REALLY BAD photo-shopping too. I really like code 3 products but their graphic design of printed and web material is always so hokey....

Much of the web site redesign actually looks very good this time. There are a few wrong or bad pics, but the site its self is much more modern looking. Maybe their marketing material is catching up to their lights finally.
Very well organized, intuitive, modern... I like it!
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