Dayton Hamvention May 16, 17 and 18, 2014


Lifetime VIP Donor
May 20, 2010
Its that time of year again...I've wanted to go for a few years now but never had the time off work.. Now I do, thus I am going! Who has tips for me, I assume cash is king and nothing else? Help a n00b out. Oh and who else is all going?

Official website on the event: Dayton Hamvention 2014 - Makers... The Future of Ham Radio

(and yes I know to wear boots outdoors due to the possibility of the "brown river" flooding.. :dielaugh:
it takes all three days to see everything...

its on my "bucketlist" as well

bring LOTS of money....

if you see a cheap TNC (20$ - 30$)get one for me... want to set up a digipeater at the house. :D
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I used to go quite regularly - its been a few years but I am going for a little while Fri/Sat

1. Go early and plan to spend three days seeing it all.

2. Concentrate on the outdoor flea market, the inside vendors will be there later. If you pass up a good deal in the flea market, you lose

3. Take your ATM card, you'll wish you brought more money

4. Carry a small pack with some water to stay hydrated and comfortable shoes/boots. It's a LOT of walking.

5. If it rains - and it often does - you'll wish you brought that 99 cent poncho from the dollar store back home, and not have to buy the $5-10 version from the non-english-speaking vendor.

5. If you are going with someone else, take radios. You'll never find someone in the crowds.

Have a great time. It can the experience of a lifetime.

ps - Don't speed in Ohio. Bad, bad juju.

Bill :yes:
Man everyone needs to show up to this. If day one is any sign of what's to come it's going to be pretty special.

Here's a few of the more special photos I managed to take today.





Note: every single solar panel is screwed into the roof.... But they wouldn't drill for antennas, instead they use mag mounts.


Then there's this guy. I counted at least 8 radios on his vest and belt. I found out shortly after he wasn't working or volunteering there.



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This is only the 3rd time in 28 years I haven't attended, I feel like I'm in withdrawal

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