Before I start- I want you to know I am not picking on you personally- you just have a very good example and this is something that is a pet peeve of mine.
We blast our rookies and even long term guys for not keeping their gear clean- after a structural fire. We all know that black shit is very conducive to causing cancer (carcinegens(sp)).
I fully and wholly understand the concept of a cooked helmet. It's not going to come clean- but what i DON'T understand is why someone doesn't take the time (and effort) to clean their gear? Not only are you taking a chance on your health- but you could adversely affect the health of- say- a patient during an extrication...
It's unneccessary- and as you can see in the helmet- there are clean smears on the helmet that suggest it wouldn't take much to scrub the helmet down.
Again- my pet peeve- and Ryan- I am NOT picking on you.