KD-875 collection. 1166 pics added

So I have finally got around to going through some of my collection and wanted to share my 875's. All are used, not NOS. The red one is the light I used when I started in the fire service as a volunteer, in 1991. The amber is one is missing it's label, but all are functional and in good condition. The green one is the latest addition and completes the safety colors offered by KD LAMP, as they did not offer clear or purple. I know SVP/SHO-ME offered those colors, and the lights are all the same size, just re branded, but the domes were imprinted with the each companies info. I think the color of the KD domes were maybe a little deeper color or more crisp than others, maybe just me.



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Thanks! I'm waiting for one more dome to be delivered, then I'll add pics of the 1166 series all 6 offered colors. The 875's will have to stand in as I only have 2 sho-me lights, but all 6 domes and one sho-me 1166 ARE NOS!
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I'll throw this in here instead of a new thread.

Here are my SHO-ME 1166 with all colors. The amber is a complete in box, NOS light. The other 5 colors are NOS domes, with a couple KD875's and SS381 lights standing in as I do not have enough SVP lights to display all the colors. I'm glad I was able to get all the colors for this series light. If able and not cost a small fortune, I may try to source the remaining light bodies to display all domes on SVP/ SHO-ME products.


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