Milley Coach Ambulance.


Junior Member
May 25, 2010
Winston Salem, NC
I got the link to the site via email. Personally, I don't think the designers of this ambulance ever worked in EMS! You are either in an airway seat, at the patient's shoulder or at their hip...Doesn't seem convenient, nor safe, as you would need to get out of your seat in order to do anything. What's your thoughts?
It would appear that the two passenger side seats might depend upon anchors to the cross members in the OEM frame, and that could explain the weird placement. Or, did they position the seats like that to support a second stretcher? This appears to be a setback rather than an advance. (Hmmm, like the old combo car hearses!)

The European ambulance designs have the seats in a better location to provide patient care and some even have a sliding track system. The Volvo and SAAB designs use a modified station wagon for a single patient capacity ambulance.
Not sure about how safe that second patient is being on a backboard strapped between 2 seats.. :roll: :?
I've seen them before, the chairs fold flat to make a bench seat, they tried that with the other type rigs a few years back. The rigs are KKK approved, but that being said they are pretty much useless for anything other than transports as there is no room to work on the pt.

I guess if you really need a rig and you're short on funds or in an old urban environment with tight streets it may be a better idea. I've also seen one that was converted to a box on the chassis as well.

Now if you really want to see useless, then you may want to look at this.
I've worked in van ambulances once or twice, and never will again if at all humanely possible. Just not worth it.
spike91 said:
I've worked in van ambulances once or twice, and never will again if at all humanely possible. Just not worth it.

I've worked in all kinds of modern units.... vans, sprinters, type 1 mods, type 3 mods and medium duty. I did ALS transfers and primary 911 coverage in a ford van for years. It was tight, but very workable. There was no getting up for equipment... I always find it funny that people are so dead set that they hate working in vans. I found them to be cramped but not nearly as unworkable as people make them out to be.
I spent alot of years back in the day in a Van doing both 911 and Transfer work. It is what it is . Now do it in a back of a low top early 80's chevy van that is a trick. Pondfly? Peanut wagon????
Oh, yes.

I've run in all types from the mid 70's (working 8 track player) to an '07 and I can say that I'll take a good Type 1 or 3 anytime of the day. I can straddle the pt to work on the other side without getting my foot wedged on the lock bar.

Hands down best riding ambulance is a Cadillac- End of story.

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