Minitor V Charger Problems


May 21, 2010
Long Island, NY
Hey everyone,

I recently picked up a used Minitor V (low band, not that it matters really) and it came with the standard (non amplified) charger. When I originally got it, the battery was dead, but my Moto dealer needed a day or two to program it for me any way, so I brought it to my guy and he charged it while he had it. I got the pager home and it worked great, lasted like three days without needing to be recharged. Finally when it died, I put it in my charger and left to go to work. I got back home, and found that the pager was fully charged (green light on charger, 3/3 LED's on pager itself). Except for the fact that the pager died within 24 hours of me taking it off my charger. I charged it again, this time leaving it for almost 12 hours and found it still died in about 20 hours. Today, I took it off my charger around 0800 and got the low battery alert by 1300. When I plugged the battery by itself into the charger, it went green in about 15 minutes. I know there were problems with the Minitor chargers, but I wasn't sure if the standard chargers were affected as well. I could have sworn I've seen something about a newer transformer that is smaller that works better as a replacement, but I can't seem to find anything on it.

I know this sounds stupid but make sure that the power cord for the charger is the right power cord for the charger. My fd some how got some power cords mixed up and ended up putting a Vertex power cord on a minitor V charger. It charged the battery for a few weeks but ended up frying the pager. Other than that I would assume it would be just a bad battery.
We've seen a few failures with the standard chargers as well as the amplified. Try swapping your charger with a buddy for a day or two and see how it works.

Worst case, if it's a new pager, bring the whole package to your Motorola Dealer and have them warranty repair/return it.
Radio Tech said:
We've seen a few failures with the standard chargers as well as the amplified. Try swapping your charger with a buddy for a day or two and see how it works.

Worst case, if it's a new pager, bring the whole package to your Motorola Dealer and have them warranty repair/return it.

It was purchased from eBay, and even the officers in my dept only have IV's...I did a little more research and found there were a few instances of the original transformers that came with the standard chargers failing, so I managed to pick up a newer model transformer. I'm going to try that and pick up a new battery too.
sounds like the same problem i had with my pager,the battery ended up being bad ,since it was not drained before it was recharged and it gained a memory
There have been charger issues and also battery batch issues.If the charger tray part number ends with an "A" or "B" you could have a bad charger.

Sadly it ruins the battery also as it develops or even pushes memory into it.

I have a few lowband Amplified chargers left, new in box. Letting them go for $38 shipped if you want to make the switch.1 year Warranty included with a bill of sale.
[Broken External Image]:

^I have a similar problem with my Minitor V amplified charger^

I know this may sound inconvenient, but you might have to be around it while it charges. I usually drain my pager all the way down (til it starts beeping at me) or at least til it's down to one green bar. When I put it on the charger sometimes the charge light turns green, and it thinks it's "fully" charged, after only 20-30 minutes. If that happens I just take it off the charger for a second, then I put it right back on. Usually after that it properly charges for the full ~90 minutes. I had the exact same problem when I first got it, when it would die in less than 24 hours. I would just say to charge it when you're just sitting around the house, so that way you can keep an eye on it.
Honestly, I bought a replacement transformer (the smaller one) and it's working great now, doesn't turn green in 15 minutes and the charge lasts for a few days.
our FD bought a bunch of the minitor 5's and we are having problems with them doing the same thing the OP stated. Multiple units, and have replaced batteries, and now we are starting to replace chargers... :? Makes me wonder if we should go back to the old sceptars :lol:
I believe that if you look under your charger you will see a number. If that number has an "A" in it, I am told that Motorola will replace it under warranty. So, if it does have the A; take it to your Motorola dealer.
robertwrackl said:
I believe that if you look under your charger you will see a number. If that number has an "A" in it, I am told that Motorola will replace it under warranty. So, if it does have the A; take it to your Motorola dealer.

I tried to get some regular "B" series chargers exchanged,was told only the Amplified Chargers are authorized to be replaced out of warranty period of 1 year.The symptoms were similar, battery was not charging or going green quickly and not lasting long.Called pager group down in Florida and they suggested I clean contacts on bottom of pager with a fine brush and bit o water.Cleared the problem on all right up.
We've had nothing but issues with the chargers ending in A. Mine used to squeal like a pig and was almost terms for divorce. Our dealer exchanged them and the new one works great. I typically have to pull the pager out and put back in couple times to get full charge.

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