Mirror Beams or surface mount led?


New Member
May 23, 2010
Ive ran into a little dillema, on my 2007 charger, I have four red soundoff mini 3 grill lights on grill brackets, factory wig wag, single head talon (red) on dash, and two red/clear whelen slim misers headliner mounted, and in the back I have four whelen hide aways x'd up in the brake and reverse lamps. This vehicle is not only my pov, but its a demo unit for my business, where I install and sell warning equipment. So I was wondering, I have two surface mount tir3's, and I really need intersection warning, and it also needs to look good. So should I go the extra male and spend a couple hundred for red mirror beams, or should I surface mount the tirs to the mirror housings? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, im just so frusterated because dont know how it would look. Also has anyone else used a surfacemount for a mirror beam type light? Or should I just forget the mirror beam idea and mount them on the b post? Thoughts? :?
Those Charger mirrors will be difficult to surface mount anything on to get the proper output due to their angles. You'd get much better results with MirrorBeams or LEDs that offer a mounting bezel or gasket to fit the Charger.
I think it also depends on if you are a distributor, or if you are an installer as well. If you are an installer, then finding a unique way to fabricate, and mout the TIR3's would make for a good selling point. If you are just a distributor then the mirror beams would be your best bet hands down.
Excellent idea! Ill get some red par 36's and mirror beams, that'll look great, and also with the extended lense of the par 36 ill have a little extra intersection warning
Mirror Beams . I saw some on ebay for a Charger for cheap. I got a good installer to mount on a toyota Sienna whelen M7's on my mirror. He made a whole mold they look amazing and have the right angle. I think mirror beams are the way to go.

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