Motorola Mobile/Portable programming


May 20, 2010
Corning, NY
I have the CPS programming software along with a ribless USB cord. CPS says "Can not create unknown radio component". I've done some googling and haven't had any luck to the problem. I am using Windows 7...does the problem lay there?
Why type of radio are you trying to program? Waris series or something else?

Windows 7 is a real PITA when it comes to programming, I keep an older box running Win XP just for the occassion.
I was trying to read a ht750, it is an aftermarket usb cord and its the CPS software. i have xp on the dept computer and havent tried it there yet.
BigDogg795 said:
I keep an older box running Win XP just for the occassion.

I don't even trust XP, I keep an old Pentium running Win 98 that I can use to get a true DOS prompt with. Also, I use nothing but serial cables. Have never had a problem.
ncfd4303 said:
I was trying to read a ht750, it is an aftermarket usb cord and its the CPS software. i have xp on the dept computer and havent tried it there yet.

Check with Motorola, but I believe that the Proffessional Series CPS is only compatible with XP and not Vista or Windows 7.
It runs on Vista fine but 32 bit not 64 what version of CPS are you using and do you have the correct region? Did you buy it legit from Moto?

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