Whelen Need help with Whelen UPS 64C


Aug 6, 2023
Hi all,

So I was not sure where to post with the new site format… vintage or modern…

My car is an Ex TX patrol unit (year 93)… vintage, but still modern? LOL…

Anyhow, it is set up for the Whelen MicorMax Red/Blue Strobes at the front of the vehicle. These strobes are controlled by a Whelen UPS 64C. The strobes were 100% operational without issues, until today.

Nothing has been changed with the install set up or anything else (been working for over a year now without issue).

Today at a car show we had the strobes on and running - about 1hr into the show, the strobes stopped working. I also didn’t hear that distinct noise (cricket chirping??) that the Whelen UPS makes when it’s on.

I come home try to diagnose and am not sure what to look for or how to diagnose since nothing changed in the setup.

When I turn the strobes on now, I can hear the MicroMax distinct noise at the front of the car at each strobe (the “click” for the pulsating at each strobe) and the strobes are very dimly lit/flashing (not super bright as they were normally). The Whelen UPS isn’t making any noise like it normally did…. When I flick the lights on from the Code 3 control box in the car, I hear a click on the Whelen UPS but not that distinct chilling noise.

Can someone please provide me with some guidance? I’m including an image of the UPS:


I also checked the fuse at the UPS 64C and all fuses at my distribution strip that runs all the auxiliary equipment - there are no blown fuses at all anywhere…

Also to note - this box and strobes were installed by a prior owner - and again worked 100% when he had the car and when I bought the car over a year ago… today is the first time the stores stopped working.

Do these boxes just die? Or what should I be looking for?
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Do these boxes just die? Or what should I be looking for?
They can but strobe tubes are more likely as they do wear out. I would go over the wiring and manual too just to satisfy my mind. Strobe tubes can be hooked up incorrectly but still run, just reduces their life. It is possible that the power supply is overdriving the tubes. I do not remember tge wiring on that one but if they are hooked to a channel designed to run 4 strobes but you are only running 2 you could be overdriving them. Do you by chance have another pair of strobes or different power supply you could test with?
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They can but strobe tubes are more likely as they do wear out. I would go over the wiring and manual too just to satisfy my mind. Strobe tubes can be hooked up incorrectly but still run, just reduces their life. It is possible that the power supply is overdriving the tubes. I do not remember tge wiring on that one but if they are hooked to a channel designed to run 4 strobes but you are only running 2 you could be overdriving them. Do you by chance have another pair of strobes or different power supply you could test with?

Thanks for the reply. Nope, I don’t have any other strobes or power supply. The MicroMax and the UPS 64C were with the patrol car when I got it from the prior owner.

Everything worked fine, up until today…. LOL.

Do you need better pics of the UPS 64C? I don’t even have any owners manual for the strobes or the UPS.
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I don't care to spend the time going over the manual. You can find it online and would need to verify with yours that the wiring and number of heads required is correct. Statistically the strobe tubes will need to be replaced long before the power supply but it's all old stuff so could easily be either.
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Is the strobe power supply installed with its back flat against a substantial piece of metal? The requirement to sink the heat generated by a strobe power supply is often overlooked. Failure to disperse excess heat can lead to premature failure of a strobe power supply.


Source: https://www.whelen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/13290.pdf
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I had a UPS64C that behaved the same way...specifically, you could hear the "clicks" of each strobe flash and even see a tiny little arc within the flash-tube...but no actual brilliant flash as expected.

The problem is that the primary inverter is not generating energy to the primary capacitors. In my case, the root-cause was that the one of the legs of the transformer's solder pad had electrically separated and simply needed to be re-soldered.

There are certainly many other reasons the primary inverter can fail, however. But maybe if you're lucky, it just might be a cold solder joint along the primary inverter path.

The fact that you hear the "clicks" and see the tiny arc in the tube means all the timing and secondary inverter are working fine.

My $0.02
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Thanks for the replies, the PDF link to the manual, and the tips, appreciate it!!

Also to note, the UPS 64C is only controlling the (2) Whelen MicroMax (1 red, 1 blue). Based on the PDF link supplied, I will check the configuration of the plugs from the MicroMax harnesses to the UPS. I believe the install and plug/harness to be correct as the prior owner was an IL Officer and he had a knowledgeable fleet liaison do the install (restoration of equipment back into the vehicle).

When we got home from the show last night, with the car in the garage and when I powered on the MicroMax’s again, in the garage I could see the faint strobe flashing and hear the “pulsating clicks”, but out in the bright sun at the show and all the noise (music/people/nearby traffic) I could not hear the clicks. There is deifinitely no “chirps” coming from the UPS.

To answer the question about the UPS, it is installed in the trunk of the vehicle on the back “X” cross bracing that is there for the rear seat. So the image so the unit I supplied earlier in this thread is what you see when looking into the trunk (the label side (top) is facing the rear taillight panel). It’s not near any heat or moisture and trunk compartment is empty with nothing up against or blocking the UPS.

The other question I have with the UPS box is, if I have to replace the UPS 64C, what is the difference between the 64C and the 64LX? The images of them look pretty similar; I’m guessing there’s a difference internally?
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UPS64XL is slighter more modern electronics (a bit more powerful at 75 watts and three possible flash patterns). I believe it is a quite worthy alternative.

So is the UPS64LXA with even more modern electronics for the time (microprocessor controlled) and introduced "scanlock" wire that allowed you to select one of ten possible flash patterns:

LX data sheet
LXA data sheet
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