Officer punches Woman in face, what do you think

Well, besides the fact that it could have further escalated things and it could have ended a LOT worse for the officer, it appears to be a justified use of force. I personally think that officer is exceptionally lucky that all those bystanders just yelled at him instead of attacking him. In the neighborhoods I patrol, I would have paid dearly for doing that.
The officer was outnumbered and was being attacked. He did the right thing. Did I hear her call him certain racial slur I will not repeat. You know the one I'm talking about. I probably would have punched her again for that.
I guess I am lucky, I do not work in a city environment with thugs and hooligans that are depicted in this video, however I have been in a few situations such as this. I agree, the use of force was necessary, and it obviously worked, she stayed out of the fight after that. Had something like this occurred in my patrol area with people standing around like that, she would have had about 10 citizens on top of her trying to help restrain her as well not trying to hem a cop up on tape.
Justified. I would of also "dropped" the other girl to the ground and cuffed her (handcuffed).

Hey, women want equal rights, no? Would everyone be "bitching" if it was men involved, and not women?

Also, how is a WHITE man a "n***a"?????? :roll: :roll:
Blade Runner said:
Don't resist arrest, and most certainly, don't attack an officer doing his job. That'll keep 'ya from getting a right hook to the face.

That's a classic case of using NOT ENOUGH force, not excessive force. He really needed to take her to the ground or car and take the fight out of her. OC or a TASER would have been an option. You can't control a situation by letting people squirm and struggle and bleed time out of the fight.

He looks relatively young, I'd wager than any female cop, and any male cop with a couple of years experience would have been a little more dynamic.

But, punching someone in the face usually results in a broken hand, lacerations caused by the hood's teeth, assuming they have any, which of course comes with a copious amount of methdrool, and if you tagged their nose, blood that looks far worse than it actually is. Plus it's always really visible, whereas you can do a lot of things with elbows and knees that don't attract as much attention.
Stendec said:
That's a classic case of using NOT ENOUGH force, not excessive force. He really needed to take her to the ground or car and take the fight out of her. OC or a TASER would have been an option. You can't control a situation by letting people squirm and struggle and bleed time out of the fight.

He looks relatively young, I'd wager than any female cop, and any male cop with a couple of years experience would have been a little more dynamic.

But, punching someone in the face usually results in a broken hand, lacerations caused by the hood's teeth, assuming they have any, which of course comes with a copious amount of methdrool, and if you tagged their nose, blood that looks far worse than it actually is. Plus it's always really visible, whereas you can do a lot of things with elbows and knees that don't attract as much attention.

+1 we posted simultaneously
Thats what happens, when someone decides they don't want to pull over, and would rather drive 3/4 of a mile to the freeway exit, and then another 1/2 mile to a parking lot, before finally pulling over!!
He did have her in a strong arm a couple times, he should've just swung her down to the ground. She would've complied then.

At 55 secs he had her. Lock that elbow and swing the door open buddy.
ParkPiggy said:
Thats what happens, when someone decides they don't want to pull over, and would rather drive 3/4 of a mile to the freeway exit, and then another 1/2 mile to a parking lot, before finally pulling over!!

"yup" :roll:
Okay being a Firefighter heres my personal opinion...

#1 the puch to the face, it was good for the moment because he was about to be over run by 2 people possably more, could have deployed pepper spray or taser

#2 letting that twig walk him back and forth from the front to the rear of the patrol car...seriously ? put her on the ground already.

#3 officer needs to attend more hand to hand combat class'

Just my 2 cents.
Stendec said:
That's a classic case of using NOT ENOUGH force, not excessive force. He really needed to take her to the ground or car and take the fight out of her. OC or a TASER would have been an option. You can't control a situation by letting people squirm and struggle and bleed time out of the fight.

He looks relatively young, I'd wager than any female cop, and any male cop with a couple of years experience would have been a little more dynamic.

But, punching someone in the face usually results in a broken hand, lacerations caused by the hood's teeth, assuming they have any, which of course comes with a copious amount of methdrool, and if you tagged their nose, blood that looks far worse than it actually is. Plus it's always really visible, whereas you can do a lot of things with elbows and knees that don't attract as much attention.

Wow, I actually agree with you. However, I think he was being "gun shy" to do anything with all the people videotaping, worried about liability, getting sued.
ParkPiggy said:
Thats what happens, when someone decides they don't want to pull over, and would rather drive 3/4 of a mile to the freeway exit, and then another 1/2 mile to a parking lot, before finally pulling over!!

:roll: :roll:

cutiger said:
The officer was outnumbered and was being attacked. He did the right thing. Did I hear her call him certain racial slur I will not repeat. You know the one I'm talking about. I probably would have punched her again for that.

He was white so it can't be considered a racial slur....can it. :p
rwo978 said:
Wow, I actually agree with you. However, I think he was being "gun shy" to do anything with all the people videotaping, worried about liability, getting sued.
Yup, get that camera on you and you start double guessing yourself and worry if your actions will be considered justified. The video can be good or bad. Sometimes the video doesn't show the full story or the officer's perspective. The officer sees something and reacts appropriately to it, but it isn't obvious on the video what happened and the officer is hung out to dry.

Also with all those people around, you worry about what will happen. I got into it with a 18 year old girl trespassing at a McDonalds a couple months ago. Huge problem with gang activity, drugs and alcohol etc at this restaurant. Manager called and said there were problems, please remove all of the teens that were hanging around. I tell them to leave, 18 year old girl refuses. I go to physically remove her and she flips out and starts resisting and grabs onto a pole and won't let go. I ama white male 6-04 240 lbs, she is a black female 5-04 120 lbs. I could easily have slammed her, cuffed her and been gone. I was worried about the repurcussions of my actions and instead pinned her against the wall and called for backup. Literally there were about 15 or 20 gang members right there watching me and waiting for any excuse to jump in and whoop my ass.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If I were the cop, punching her in the face would be the nicest thing I could think to do.
Heck down here in third world Indonesia, a group of house burglars were caught in the act, 1 were arrested the rest ran away, he was brought back to the station. They put him in the restroom, took his shirt off, handcuffed behind the back, pour water on him, the cop pulled out his .38 in one hand, and slap the perp over and over for around 2 hrs, and got his confession of all the home address of his friends. Within less than a day, everyone was caught.

Sometimes less human right for criminals is a good thing.
1911 said:
Heck down here in third world Indonesia, a group of house burglars were caught in the act, 1 were arrested the rest ran away, he was brought back to the station. They put him in the restroom, took his shirt off, handcuffed behind the back, pour water on him, the cop pulled out his .38 in one hand, and slap the perp over and over for around 2 hrs, and got his confession of all the home address of his friends. Within less than a day, everyone was caught.

Sometimes less human right for criminals is a good thing.

That's awesome I guess there aren't any liberals in Indonesia.
1911 said:
Heck down here in third world Indonesia, a group of house burglars were caught in the act, 1 were arrested the rest ran away, he was brought back to the station. They put him in the restroom, took his shirt off, handcuffed behind the back, pour water on him, the cop pulled out his .38 in one hand, and slap the perp over and over for around 2 hrs, and got his confession of all the home address of his friends. Within less than a day, everyone was caught.

Sometimes less human right for criminals is a good thing.

And you say this like it's a good thing? You're happy that in your country the police torture suspects?

What when the suspect names the neighbor or cousin he doesn't like, instead of his real friends? We all know the #1 reason torture doesn't work... it makes people say what they think the torturer wants to hear, instead of the truth.

Remind me to never ever visit Indonesia.
See now that's wrong. If the "torture" works properly they will give the right address because of fear of more torture once the police figured out they lied.
That police department should look at it self before it looks at that officer because:

1. Where was back up

2. Why isn't that officer more equipped with tazer and oc spray.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Alovebaby41 said:
That police department should look at it self before it looks at that officer because:
1. Where was back up

2. Why isn't that officer more equipped with tazer and oc spray.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Well, it might not even be the department as a whole. In my department, you can request the training and being issued a Taser, I haven't gotten around to doing it yet. I only started to carry OC spray on patrol about 4 years ago, and have never used it on a person. Even though I have 8 people on my shift, the vast majority of them are lazy and don't run calls or back officers... they enjoy their afternoon coffee and chat time more than doing their job. I was in an extended foot pursuit last summer chasing a group of 8 poeple. Ended up catching one, he resisted arrest, had to struggle with him before getting him into custody. Then I was able to drag him over the 2 fences we jumped, through the neighborhood and up a hill back to my car. I searched him and was in the process of field testing the cocaine before the first backup officer arrived. I had1 good, trustworthy guy on my shift, and he was up at jail with his own prisoner at the time. Did I mention that I am the senior officer on the shift?
RJ* said:
And you say this like it's a good thing? You're happy that in your country the police torture suspects?

What when the suspect names the neighbor or cousin he doesn't like, instead of his real friends? We all know the #1 reason torture doesn't work... it makes people say what they think the torturer wants to hear, instead of the truth.

Remind me to never ever visit Indonesia.

If you choose not to visit Indonesia, hey, fine with me :D It doesnt matter if i like it or not, thats the way things are. Its not like after the confession the investigator did nothing else and proceed to prosecute the suspect, there are still SOP, further interrogations, investigations etc. Come on be realistic, these things happen more often than you think, especially in third world nations.

Thank God i was wise enough to know that not all LAPD beat their suspect like they did with Rodney King, or else I wouldnt have visited USA so many times now would I? :D
When he saw they were being provocative (for a jaywalking ticket) he should have called for backup and been prepared to use pepper spray. I then may have wondered if they had outstanding warrants. Unless they obstructed traffic when they jaywalked, most officers I known would have just warned them anyway.

I also think the crowd behavior was "sick". They agitated the situation and didn't come to the aid of the officer. In Nashville, I believe someone would have either tried to deescalate the situation or intervene to help the officer, but that does depend upon the area of town.

Why don't "citizens" understand that they will have a day in court. They took what called for a citation and turned it into resisting arrest and possible assault charges.

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