Quick way to extinguish a truck fire

What's going on? Was it hazardous cargo? (Not so hazardous to fly an AC over it, though?) Did the tanker just happen to be in the area, full of water and had nothing else to do?

Enquiring minds want to know.
This video was on Reddit last week. According to the OP on Reddit, the Air Tanker base operates out of a nearby area for summer forest fires. This was actually the closest resource to take care of the truck fire. No engines or other infrastructure nearby. From some of the posts, this is a pretty common practice in the area to keep a fire from spreading rapidly.

I have searched but can't find the Reddit thread at the moment. Will keep looking.
Who needs a fire truck when you have a fire plane
I DID try searching first!!!! I must post that disclaimer!!!!!! :hopeless:

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