Restoring some XL domes


May 21, 2010
Wilkes-Barre, Pa
I promised I would upload some progress pics as I work on restoring an XL bar for a customer here.

The domes were pretty hazy giving them a much more crazed appearance than actually was.

So far one is completely wet sanded and polished and I was quite pleased that it came out as clear as it did.

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Very nice.

Those are some of the easiest domes to work with because of their shape.

When I buff them, I put them on the bar, then flip it upside down and start with the bottoms.
What method have you used? I have an XL bar with okay domes but I'd like to give them an "extra mile" finish.

Beautiful results! :D
I use a process that many would find too tedious, but it what I found to work with near perfect results.

I use a polishing kit that is used for polishing lacquer paint on model cars sprayed with an airbrush.

The kit contains grits that are cloth backed ranging from 1800 to 12000 grit. I have been busted numerous times but I think the results speak for themselves.

It takes about 3 hours to do a set of domes using wet sanding. I use a drop or two of dish soap as I start each grit.

I follow up with the poweball and plastx and then with some hand applied liquid car wax.

Everyone has their own method, I am comfortable with mine. The only drawback is that what I do does not take out significant scratches but it certainly does improve them.

Every twinsonic dome in my collection had had this done to them. They really do shine and some came back from the brink.

I have to look for the link, I think the kit costs about $25 but it lasts forever. The fact that the sand grit is cloth backed really helps.
All right!

I'll try that for sure! You could say those XL domes are NOS and we couldn't tell the difference... ;)

I was lucky, these domes were free from most if not all major blemishes and scratches, making them really look nice when done.

I should also mention, I also use plast-x and the powerball on the insides of the domes as well.

Stay tuned, this will be a less than common XL bar.


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