This is just awesome trooper pulls over governors car

I wonder if the gov was on the way to see his girlfriend CODE 3?

I can understand them running hot to go to the site a natural disaster or to re-locate the gov during a natural disaster or terrorist attack, just running hot just to get somewhere in a hurry is messed up. The gov doesn't make the rules, nor does he enforce them.

This is the main reason I do not like politicians and get tired of dealing with them very very quickly.

I once had a county commissioner come up to me at a MCI/MVC on a 5 lane highway in the middle of the night (around 0300). A tractor trailer had overturned and spilled oil all over the highway and all 5 lanes were closed and blocked. This guy DEMANDED that I let him through the scene so he could get to an "important meeting". I wonder what was so darn important for a CC at 0300. He got made and make all kinds of threats, but never made good on them. Now he is not seeking re-election, thank goodness. I even voted for him replacement in the primaries, twice. The first primary was "too close to call", or so he whined and cried, so they held another one, and he still lost.
A few years ago there was an article in the paper about PSP tropper's clocking the Gov's ride (Pa GOV. Rendell) going above 80 I believe. I'm not aware that they ever pulled them over.
There is a followup to that SC story that said the driver, who is also a police officer, was later ticketed for the speeding offense and the trooper also caught some heat for failing to write him up. That's gotta be the biggest case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" I've ever heard of.

BTW, I stopped a fellow for speeding well over the limit when I was an officer in a small town years ago. He whippped out an municipal association ID card with his driver's license, and stated he was the mayor of a city about 30 miles away and was in my town to conduct some business, so I cut him some slack. I went to city hall to tell the mayor about stopping his buddy and he laughed and said the guy hadn't been a mayor for over 10 years and he gives that same excuse everytime he is stopped. I jumped back in my cruiser and went all over town trying to find him so I could ticket him but I never did find him or see him again.
We had a fatal wreck a couple years ago right in front of the street where the county executive lives. We had the road whut down for the investigation and would not let the neighbors drive through the scene. Then the county exec came home, the Sgt on the scene not only let him drive through the scene, he let him get out and walk up to the car and look in. Needless to say, I was upset.
mcpd2025 said:
We had a fatal wreck a couple years ago right in front of the street where the county executive lives. We had the road whut down for the investigation and would not let the neighbors drive through the scene. Then the county exec came home, the Sgt on the scene not only let him drive through the scene, he let him get out and walk up to the car and look in. Needless to say, I was upset.

I remember that wreck - it was Dustin Road at Route 29, right? I'll be passing through that area tonight, coming from my friend's.
i dont think he was running code when he got pulled over. It looks like he turns on his lights as the troop car approaches to signify that he is/was a police officer. If you look close at the end of the video it appears he turns them off as he pulls away.
EMS10EMT said:
i dont think he was running code when he got pulled over. It looks like he turns on his lights as the troop car approaches to signify that he is/was a police officer. If you look close at the end of the video it appears he turns them off as he pulls away.

Exactly what I was going to say. Seemed like a "hey don't stop me"
Let a me clarify some things.

- Sanford was leaving an interview with a reporter and going to a meeting in Columbia

- A SLED agent was driving the vehicle

- The vehicle was traveling in the range of 85mph (speed limit is 70mph)

- The state trooper that pulled over the SLED agent asked "You got a good reason for running 85?" to which the SLED agent replied "I am driving the governor" to which the Trooper replied "That's not a good reason." The agent told him to "tell the governor that"

- After talking to the agent and the governor the trooper left the scene no ticket issued

-The warning lights on the vehicle are there so that if their is a major accident, natural disaster, terrorist attack etc. the governor can either go to the scene or go to a safe area.

-The Crown Victoria the governor was in has very very dark tint so you can't tell how early the lights were turned on

I'm no fan of administrators in general, but they aren't normal humans. I don't want them wasting time dicking around in traffic when they could be screwing up the budget or something important like that. It isn't like they are on their way to make the donuts.

Face it, some people's time IS more valuable than others. I'm more than willing to face off a county commissioner over something important, but I also know where the department's money comes from. Some fights aren't worth winning.
my reply would have been to the driver, i dont have to tell the governor anything, you were driving and in control of the vehicle.... I have seen the mayor and chief of police run code to meetings. Just wait till they wreck and the media gets a hold of that one
TNFF412N said:
I have seen the mayor and chief of police run code to meetings. Just wait till they wreck and the media gets a hold of that one
Unfortunately.... YOU would get smeared through the mud because you didn't stop and cite the mayor or chief. There is really no good way to handle it. Ideally a written warning would allow you to cover your ass and not cause too big a wave. Thankfully I don't work in a small town and probably won't have to deal with something like this.
grfd711 said:
Alright, that's it. Blinkies and woo-woos for EVERYBODY!

The people that really really need them apparently already have them.

"but officer, I saw that the governor uses flashing lights to get to meetings. So i thought i could use them too". :roll:
I wouldnt say i've been "missing" my lights bob
Jarred J. said:
I wouldnt say i've been "missing" my lights bob

And here comes the guy showing his "O-face" about the new lights he just got.

I love Office Space, one of my fav movies of all time, The Other Guys is good too, saw that this past weekend.
I feel like everyone talks a big game on here, but if most people here were put in that situation it would unfold the same way. No one can tell you, as an officer, when to write or not write a summons. Its your name that gets signed on the bottom, no one elses. And as far as being disciplined for not writing a ticket??? That was the officer's discretion, if we can give discretion to an everyday joe, we can give discretion to anyone else.
Stendec said:
I'm no fan of administrators in general, but they aren't normal humans. I don't want them wasting time dickingo around in traffic when they could be screwing up the budget or something important like that. It isn't like they are on their way to make the donuts.

Face it, some people's time IS more valuable than others. I'm more than willing to face off a county commissioner over something important, but I also know where the department's money comes from. Some fights aren't worth winning.

I agree, you have to pick and chose your battles. This is somethin i wouldn't want involved in.
cory y said:
you learned to dance sarcastically?

Yeah right after getting his prius out of the impound lot from the homeless guys ;)
Kinda reminds me of when I pulled over an FBI agent for speeding in my town. Hard to feel cool when they guy you have stopped is a fed.
Try having the governor pull up while you are working radar one evening in your small town and ask if he can go to your station to make a phone call and use the john. Seriously. Happened to me back in 1983 (remember, this was before cellphones) and I was stunned to see who was making the request. He had a trooper in an unmarked car as his driver, just like in the SC incident. The police station was located inside our town hall, which had already closed for the day and was locked up. The station was unmanned after business hours, as were were dispatched on after hours calls though the sheriff, but I had the key for access. My town was located on a main state highway, and he was passing through while returning from some business or political function. Guess he was apparently in a hurry to do both of his errands but couldn't wait until he got to a bigger town or city further down the road. Plus, he obviously needed some privacy away from the public, so he couldn't stop at a regular business place like a gas station or convenience store to do them.
I'm no law enforcement, but this happened to me while I was on radio duty on a wild fire here when I was with search and rescue, The second night on duty In the cp at a local high school I saw a car stop on the street and the kids yelled something out the window and took off. with in 30 seconds a blue suv flew through the parking lot we were staged in, this would be the middle of the camp, with an estimeated speed of 25 mhp. Ten minutes later the same suv drove through while I was walking the area and I flagged them down and asked the if they were the ones who flew through the camp, they said they were and they went after the car the stopped and yelled out the window. They also Identified themselves as U.S. Marshalls. I gave them an ass chewing for endangering every one in camp by flying through the middle of it like they did. I also let the incident commander know of this as well. Don Myhre
Jasen Hatfield said:
I agree, you have to pick and chose your battles. This is somethin i wouldn't want involved in.

+1, as a member of a police department that is currently under the microscope of an investigative reporter locally. This is a stop I would not want to happen where I work. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Officer discretion is just that, discretion. There are times that officers do trip over their own feet doing stupid things, but it also then puts everyone in the spotlight. This Trooper could have pulled over 50 cars that day and let 24 others go, but because someone found out who this was and got their panties in a bunch this trooper is now the focus of everything.

15mph over around here is when a lot of agencies just start taking a look at you, that is not even a ticket for sure.
Donslockkey said:
I'm no law enforcement, but this happened to me while I was on radio duty on a wild fire here when I was with search and rescue, The second night on duty In the cp at a local high school I saw a car stop on the street and the kids yelled something out the window and took off. with in 30 seconds a blue suv flew through the parking lot we were staged in, this would be the middle of the camp, with an estimeated speed of 25 mhp. Ten minutes later the same suv drove through while I was walking the area and I flagged them down and asked the if they were the ones who flew through the camp, they said they were and they went after the car the stopped and yelled out the window. They also Identified themselves as U.S. Marshalls. I gave them an ass chewing for endangering every one in camp by flying through the middle of it like they did. I also let the incident commander know of this as well. Don Myhre

You hassled some Deputy Marshal's for going 25 mph? Wow.
usnr719 said:
You hassled some Deputy Marshal's for going 25 mph? Wow.

I was going to say the same, but you never know what type of area it is..

MATT3045 said:
15mph over around here is when a lot of agencies just start taking a look at you, that is not even a ticket for sure.

It's the same around here where I am. However, from reading these boards over the years, I've realized it's much different in other areas. Some guys make 65 in a 55 seem like its a borderline felony, even if the person stopped was fellow law enforcement. And other guys (LEO's) on here basically swear they have never violated a traffic law in their life. You can blow that smoke up my ass all day and I'll never believe it.
Donslockkey said:
I'm no law enforcement, but this happened to me while I was on radio duty on a wild fire here when I was with search and rescue, The second night on duty In the cp at a local high school I saw a car stop on the street and the kids yelled something out the window and took off. with in 30 seconds a blue suv flew through the parking lot we were staged in, this would be the middle of the camp, with an estimeated speed of 25 mhp. Ten minutes later the same suv drove through while I was walking the area and I flagged them down and asked the if they were the ones who flew through the camp, they said they were and they went after the car the stopped and yelled out the window. They also Identified themselves as U.S. Marshalls. I gave them an ass chewing for endangering every one in camp by flying through the middle of it like they did. I also let the incident commander know of this as well. Don Myhre

Why would Deputy Marshals go after a car just for yelling something out the window? Unless they yelled something like, "Hey guys, we're wanted federal felons!" it's kinda out of their jurisdiction......
The deputy marshalls were pulling security and the kids yelling at the fire fighter were considered to be harrassing the fire fighters. Don Myhre
Donslockkey said:
The deputy marshalls were pulling security and the kids yelling at the fire fighter were considered to be harrassing the fire fighters. Don Myhre

Still confused as to why Deputy US Marshals would be providing security at a brush fire.....isn't that not exactly in their job description?
It might be if the fire was on federal lands and the extra muscle was needed. Each land management agency seems to have it's own way of dealing with incident camp security and policing, but it may take more time to get USFS, BIA, BLM or NPS LEOs to the scene than a couple Deputy Marshals. In my experience, Deputy Marshals seem to be more than willing to help out whenever needed.
MATT3045 said:
+1, as a member of a police department that is currently under the microscope of an investigative reporter locally. This is a stop I would not want to happen where I work. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Officer discretion is just that, discretion. There are times that officers do trip over their own feet doing stupid things, but it also then puts everyone in the spotlight. This Trooper could have pulled over 50 cars that day and let 24 others go, but because someone found out who this was and got their panties in a bunch this trooper is now the focus of everything.
15mph over around here is when a lot of agencies just start taking a look at you, that is not even a ticket for sure.

Speculation, you're argument holds no water until you actually look at how many stops he made and of those how many ended in tickets. He could also have pulled over 50 and let none but this governor go.
Niles said:
Speculation, you're argument holds no water until you actually look at how many stops he made and of those how many ended in tickets. He could also have pulled over 50 and let none but this governor go.

That is exactly what it is, I don't know. Nor do I really care. What I was stating is that he may have pulled over 50 cars. I do not know, I was not there. There was no argument, it was just a statement saying of something that could possibly have happened. Look at the bold highlighted words, maybe you should have read my statement a little closer.

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