Ultrasonic Parts Cleaner

Has anyone here ever used an ultrasonic parts cleaner when restoring lights? It uses high frequency sound waves to clean small parts. I’m assuming it could be used to remove rust and other grime from small metal parts. I have never heard anyone here mention using one and was curious if would work any better than metal brushes on a Dremel tool.
I have used them fairly frequently on automotive projects.. carbs.. etc. Would be fine for some things.
I have heard that they can damage the anodized surfaces on aluminum parts and strip plating finishes such as cadmium and zinc. Selecting the proper cleaning solution is very important when it comes to not damaging the parts in the bath.
I don't think Ultrasonics are great for anything other than plastics, although it seems the carb repair industry uses it a fair bit. Looks like it's not very good on galvanized parts either.

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