Vertex question


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2010
Long Island NY
i have a real quick question. How far into the housing do Vertex LAW extend? I have a kinda smallish mounting location and before i order them I figured id ask here.
Make and model of the vehicle? Perhaps someone has done a similar installation. If it's a small housing, excessive heat may also be an factor.

The hole you drill is 1 inch across, with the flange screws going on each side of that. I would estimate about the same for depth into the housing. Use this picture for comparison.

[Broken External Image]:
I find the new sound off signal Universals "intrude less" into a housing than the vertex, and IMO, are a heck of a lot brighter, both on and off axis.. ;)
pimp thanks for the speedy reply. I have a chevy trailblazer that has the side marker light mounted under mirrors. i was thinking of mounting a vertex facing down in there, I actually found the vertex demensions the "reach" into the housing is 7/8" so i'll measure it in the morning.

this is what the mirrors look like

my truck's lenses are lightly smoked instead of amber.
I would really recommend using a SOS univeral undercover LAW for that application- vertex's are known to be quite directional in their lighting. (and SOS have different lens options for different situations)

Just my $ 0.02 as I own both types, and have done many comparisons. :)

Sound off's website states they "reach" into the housing 0.70" slighly less then the Vertex

I was looking into the lens options but im confused. Is the LED insert colored and the lens come in clear?

I want to go with Blue in this application

I think lens 3 would work best for my application

any insight on this lens issue/
You are correct, use lens # 3 for this application, as it really does throw the light very well to the sides.

The LED's will emit blue light, and the lens is clear.
Unlisted and Pimp thanks for your help so far

unlisted- how does the cruise function work? is it a seperate 12v source or does 12v need to be supplied to the red wire and the green cruise wire? looking at the build sheet on SOS's website its kinda hard to tell. Because then i might be able to use the cruise function for the side marker light and use amber instead of blue.
12 volt to BOTH the red AND cruise mode wire.

F***ing stupid way to design that "feature" if you ask me, should be individually controlled by the one wire...

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