Whelen 500/LIN6 lens screws?


Jul 7, 2020
Chicago Metro Area
Hey everyone. Hope we have all the fingers we started the week with. :cool:

Working on a rear bar for my truck made up using the frame from a TA836, replacing the incandescent housings with LIN6 (500 Duo) heads from a Liberty bar. Found a deal on clear optic lenses and scored a dozen...but they have no screws. (I could use gaskets, too, but that's a whole different story) While I could move the screws to the LED housings, I wanted to see if anyone here knew if they were the same screw before I broke something. Also, if I can order new ones and not cannibalize the old, I can sell the head assembly to someone who needs it.

The screws used to hold the lenses in place on the incandescent heads are (according to the install guide) #6 x 1/2" thread forming screws. (they seem more like 5/8, but whaddoino). While they list the diameter and length, there's no mention of the pitch. And none of the W guides for the 500 series LED's list the screws as independent parts. The closest I came is the guide for the 500 strobe heads, which shows "#6 x 3/8" PLASTI-LOC", which is noticeably shorter than the incandescent screws.

I can't justify spending $8 + S&H for 2 screws as advertised on a certain auction site. Fastenal has 6-19 x 1/2 Thread Rolling Screws for $0.16 each, and there's a branch relatively close to me.

Anybody have the info for the LIN6/500 series lenses? Thanks.

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