Whelen Core Build


New Member
Dec 24, 2024
Good Morning, so I am currently putting a full Whelen Core 399 of my 2020 Ford Explorer. I have an FST, RST, Tracers (All WeCan X) then 2 Duo Ions in the Front and 2 Duo Ions in the rear. Also 2 Duo Vortex for the Rear Tail Lights and 2 Single Under the mirror V-Series.

veSo what I ha read on here is the WeCanX products hook into J18. I have 2 questions regarding this one do I have to connect the wires directly together or could I use a Terminal Block. If unable to use the Terminal Block what is the best way to connect the 4 wires to the single wire from the J18.

Then regarding the IONs correct me if I am wrong however in order to sync them through the Core I set them on steady burn for each color. Now this is the other part where I get confused. 1 I am assuming I need to wire both the Primary Color Wire and the Secondary Color Wire into the Core however do I need to put them into different Outputs or the same and do I need to do anything with the sync or other wire (Except Ground)

Next is the Vertex and the V-Series I am assuming it will be the same process as the ION if not could someone please inform me of the difference.
I just did a build with a core and all duos. You can use a terminal block or tie in the wires together with crimps, I used a terminal block.

As far as the IONS, If they are duos then each color primary wire needs to run to different outputs so you can control them separately. All the modern lightheads work the same way. They all need to be put into steady mode or if they have "steadylock" then core can do it for you. There would be a lock symbol on the label of the lighthead
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Understood thank you also on the 21 button Controller do I need to wire both the ethernet cable and the WeCanX wires or just one of them
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Understood thank you also on the 21 button Controller do I need to wire both the ethernet cable and the WeCanX wires or just one of them
The WCX on the control head is for hooking other WCX devices to. The control head connects via the cat5 cable. It can also connect via a CCTLHARN, which is additional option if you didn’t want to use the cat5 cable, or you wanted to connect additional control heads.
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