I had a 1983 Pontiac 6000 SE I had as a VFD in KY (we could use red lights and sirens on our povs), so when I moved to VA, I replaced the red grill lights with 4509s as driving lights…they were great!
Interesting story related to the driving lights…VA had crooked vehicle “inspection” system that was greatly abused at consumer expense. I was “failed” for the “illegal” driving lights that came on with the high beams…but they WOULD’NT tell me the specific reason—I had to let them, “correct the deficiency” (at a fee, of corse) or remove the lights to pass. I had a friend—a Sgt. on Henrico PD—who told me the law required them to be more specific so I pushed and they relented it was related to the driving lights. I installed a hidden switch to disable the high beam solenoid and got retested. They couldn’t get the driving lights to come on with the high beams so they had to pass me (although it took them nearly 2 hours to try to figure out how I “cheated” them—they didn’t know I had been an outfitter for 15+ years).
The next year, I was failed for a “leaking brake cylinder which they would repair and pass for a mere $150. I went home, pulled out my drill and honer and repaired the cylinder myself…cost <$10. I went back for the re-inspection and it took 30 minutes after pulling the wheel and drum to ask me “who did this repair?” When I told them I did, they demanded to know how I did it and was the cylinder re-honed. I showed them, the tools I used and they balked…until I told them I would call my friend the Sgt. on Henrico PD to come refresh their memory on the law.
They next year, vehicle inspection law in VA was repealed.
Sorry for the “GET OFF MY LAWN!” response.