Be wary of requests to contact people via email

Tony P

Sep 13, 2015
Midwest, USA

A couple members have messaged concerns about possible scam attempts. IF someone (usually a new member) sends you a private message telling you to email "their friend" about an item that you may or may not be looking for, it is HIGHLY LIKELY that they are trying to scam you. Please be highly suspicious of this and should you believe them and go through with a purchase, use a method that you can dispute it when it turns out that they lied.

We have a ton of members here that are actually working to provide top notch customer service and further the hobby with their knowledge. We volunteer site staff do our best to catch the scammers before they wreck havoc and remove the trolls, but we can't catch them all. Don't hesitate to shoot us a PM or report a post/private message/member if you suspect fraud.

Thank you for making this site great with all of your contributions and knowledge!
I had someone try to do this with me and responders. They asked me what type I wanted. I made up a version that never existed and they said their friend had it. I may have strung them along for a few days to distract them.
If you don't know who you are dealing with, check them out with other reputable members of the group. Most of us know, have heard of, or have dealt with eachother.
If things don't sound quite right, most of these scammers can be tripped up if you ask enough questions. We're smarter than they are.

This is true, they generally only have/know info that was copied from the existing current threads. Some will use photos other members have posted. Doing your homework or posting concerns for everyone is a good idea.
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