ELB Official Care Packages ? - thoughts, opinions wanted


Resident Ghost
Lifetime VIP Donor
Feb 27, 2012
Berks County PA
In light of recent (and past) events, this thought popped into my noodle the other night. Ironically, while in chat, another member touched on this pretense last night in regards to donating a lightbar to the departments in OK.

What does everyone think of an ELB "official" care package?

For instance: Pick random dept involved in the OK ordeal. Member A wants to donate a lightbar. Members B,C,D (etc) agree to pitch in for shipping. Item (s) delivered with ELB letterhead thanking company for their service , along with business card from primary donor ( in this case member A, if member works for an agency/upfitter/pse company, etc) To appease Johns worry, have a small disclaimer at bottom of letterheaded form stating that ELB doesnt directly endorse any vendor/upfitters/ad nauesum...

The details/parameters of such can be worked out at a later time if theres enough interest. Some guidle-lines, etc over what woukd merit such a response/package. Realize it "sucks" to have to do so, but its the facts of life that obviously we cant be expected to shell out "free" items come every thunder/snow/hailstorm.

I think it'd be great site exposure, and a great way to help out in times of need. Ive had items before that Id wished I could donate ( like during/after Sandy) but simply didnt have the funds for the shipping.

So, thoughts and comments?
Phoenix_Rising said:
In light of recent (and past) events, this thought popped into my noodle the other night. Ironically, while in chat, another member touched on this pretense last night in regards to donating a lightbar to the departments in OK.

What does everyone think of an ELB "official" care package?

For instance: Pick random dept involved in the OK ordeal. Member A wants to donate a lightbar. Members B,C,D (etc) agree to pitch in for shipping. Item (s) delivered with ELB letterhead thanking company for their service , along with business card from primary donor ( in this case member A, if member works for an agency/upfitter/pse company, etc) To appease Johns worry, have a small disclaimer at bottom of letterheaded form stating that ELB doesnt directly endorse any vendor/upfitters/ad nauesum...

The details/parameters of such can be worked out at a later time if theres enough interest. Some guidle-lines, etc over what woukd merit such a response/package. Realize it "sucks" to have to do so, but its the facts of life that obviously we cant be expected to shell out "free" items come every thunder/snow/hailstorm.

I think it'd be great site exposure, and a great way to help out in times of need. Ive had items before that Id wished I could donate ( like during/after Sandy) but simply didnt have the funds for the shipping.

So, thoughts and comments?

I am in I have can do shipping and donate sirens etc
I think this is a great idea. I know there are a couple of members here on the site that are local (or fairly local) to that area. Perhaps they could be a personal point of contact? Please keep me/us advised on who the departments are and what their specified needs and requests are. I'd be happy to help. Plus, this would only further the exposure not only for the site itself, but for the dealers/distributors who may contribute. It's a big positive all around.

Hmm.... and the eager beaver strikes again! lol

Where exactly did this idea come from?!

I'm sure everyone who frequents chat knows my answer....
Hey guys,

I have family and friends in OKC (Oklahoma city) and the surrounding areas. One of the area I travel through frequently is Moore since its right next to south OKC. I'll be flying out there before or during 4th of July week, depending on the circumstances. So if anyone needs a point of contact or someone to check up on how everything's going with this "Official ELB care package" just let me know, I'd be happy to help in anyway I can.
FEVER said:
Hmm.... and the eager beaver strikes again! lol

Where exactly did this idea come from?!

I'm sure everyone who frequents chat knows my answer....

FWIW, Nic would be the member who has a lightbar he'd like to donate. However in my defense, I'd had this idea prior to chat last nite. Thanks for all the positive responses thus far. I'd like John to weigh in on the idea before we can dub it "official" ELB care packages. Obviously the members are free to send whatever to whomever, whenever. Just sayin that for this particular idea to move forward, we'd need to hear the man in charges thoughts on it.
Phoenix_Rising said:
FWIW, Nic would be the member who has a lightbar he'd like to donate. However in my defense, I'd had this idea prior to chat last nite. Thanks for all the positive responses thus far. I'd like John to weigh in on the idea before we can dub it "official" ELB care packages. Obviously the members are free to send whatever to whomever, whenever. Just sayin that for this particular idea to move forward, we'd need to hear the man in charges thoughts on it.

Just busting your chops. Also as I mentioned last night, I want to make sure that said equipment is indeed going to an agency and not an individual. I'd also like to make sure it will be out to use.
I'll have to check my storage unit, but I believe I still have 1-2 R/C/B Federal Signal halogen Vistas I'd be happy to donate (just need to cover the shipping). They're in relatively great shape. Oklahoma FD agencies run R/B, right?
This is a really nice gesture, I'm just not sure it's somethings that's possible. A tornado hit near here a few years ago and multiple emergency vehicles were damaged or destroyed. I looked into possibly getting some equipment to donate and lights simply were not needed. The depts needed full vehicles, and when they got them they came with brand new lights. I did quite a bit of checking, and warning lights, were simply not something that needed to be donated, at least in that case. The involved depts needed monetary assistance if anything.

The only way I can see this working is if we have dealers willing to donate a new bar for a new vehicle that one of these depts gets. While we are a warning equipment site and it would be great to donate some warning lights, matching that niche service with the need may prove impossible. If we really want to get involved, I think a monetary donation would be easier and do more good.

If someone knows of a specific dept needing lights that's something we can work with potentially. But as far as getting a lightbar drive going it's going to be almost impossible to match what we have with what people may or may not need.

So...... if you have a specific dept that has a specific need, please post it and we will get something to them.
FreshDave04 said:
I'll have to check my storage unit, but I believe I still have 1-2 R/C/B Federal Signal halogen Vistas I'd be happy to donate (just need to cover the shipping). They're in relatively great shape. Oklahoma FD agencies run R/B, right?

For the most part, FD's stay with red in the front and PD's stick with red and blue. However, this isn't always the case. Midwest city and Newcastle (both near Moore) both have a couple pieces of apparatus with a red/blue light bar. (One of which I think needs a new light bar)
JohnMarcson said:
This is a really nice gesture, I'm just not sure it's somethings that's possible. A tornado hit near here a few years ago and multiple emergency vehicles were damaged or destroyed. I looked into possibly getting some equipment to donate and lights simply were not needed. The depts needed full vehicles, and when they got them they came with brand new lights. I did quite a bit of checking, and warning lights, were simply not something that needed to be donated, at least in that case. The involved depts needed monetary assistance if anything.

The only way I can see this working is if we have dealers willing to donate a new bar for a new vehicle that one of these depts gets. While we are a warning equipment site and it would be great to donate some warning lights, matching that niche service with the need may prove impossible. If we really want to get involved, I think a monetary donation would be easier and do more good.

If someone knows of a specific dept needing lights that's something we can work with potentially. But as far as getting a lightbar drive going it's going to be almost impossible to match what we have with what people may or may not need.

So...... if you have a specific dept that has a specific need, please post it and we will get something to them.

I'll look into a couple of my contacts near Moore and see if they need anything. I'll give an update in a couple days.
Playing devils advocate here in a sense (while I started the topic, am aware it may not be feasible/doable/practical,etc).

First, I realize if an entire Engine/Ladder (read large apparatus) is destroyed, the lightbar is probably one of the least of a departments worries. However, smaller attack/brush/command/etc... could be beneficial too. Plus, once donated, they'd obviously be free to do with it as they please: sell for what they really want,raffle it off in a fund drive, etc. Likewise I realize this may deter some members. However, it all boils down to "good of the cause" in such a large scale event.
JohnMarcson said:
This is a really nice gesture, I'm just not sure it's somethings that's possible. A tornado hit near here a few years ago and multiple emergency vehicles were damaged or destroyed. I looked into possibly getting some equipment to donate and lights simply were not needed. The depts needed full vehicles, and when they got them they came with brand new lights. I did quite a bit of checking, and warning lights, were simply not something that needed to be donated, at least in that case. The involved depts needed monetary assistance if anything.

The only way I can see this working is if we have dealers willing to donate a new bar for a new vehicle that one of these depts gets. While we are a warning equipment site and it would be great to donate some warning lights, matching that niche service with the need may prove impossible. If we really want to get involved, I think a monetary donation would be easier and do more good.

If someone knows of a specific dept needing lights that's something we can work with potentially. But as far as getting a lightbar drive going it's going to be almost impossible to match what we have with what people may or may not need.

So...... if you have a specific dept that has a specific need, please post it and we will get something to them.

Here's a thought how about we collect a donation from the members and then John can give a check to The Red Cross in the name of ELB.
I think this is a perfect way for all of us members to get rid of the "stuff that works just fine but we have no use for" part of our collection. Which sounds like a lot of MX7000's, Edges and Streethawks and PA300's. Which are all super useful in service but are not generally valued by collectors.
lotsofbars said:
I think this is a perfect way for all of us members to get rid of the "stuff that works just fine but we have no use for" part of our collection. Which sounds like a lot of MX7000's, Edges and Streethawks and PA300's. Which are all super useful in service but are not generally valued by collectors.

I'm not trying to parade piss too much... but what are we picturing these MXs and Streethawks being used for? I'd love to see all these workhorse bars go to a good cause, but these depts need whole apparatus replaced.... For the cost of shipping an MX alone we could give them a $40 donation, which will do more good.

Donations of lightbars are more suited to non-disaster ravaged depts that need to upgrade existing unsafe equipment vs. these depts which need money and whole trucks. There are actually a some opportunities now and then for us to donate such bars to small depts with few resources.

I do like everyone thinking about helping other depts and people.... as a site we should get together and do something good... I will put together a section for charity related posts tomorrow when I get home. That way people have a whole section to network both disaster and non-disaster charity events and projects. We should then start a specifc thread for this disaster where we can at the very least get a list of ideas going, then add to it when we get info from the area.
I still like the idea of The Red Cross.
JohnMarcson said:
I'm not trying to parade piss too much... but what are we picturing these MXs and Streethawks being used for? I'd love to see all these workhorse bars go to a good cause, but these depts need whole apparatus replaced.... For the cost of shipping an MX alone we could give them a $40 donation, which will do more good.

Donations of lightbars are more suited to non-disaster ravaged depts that need to upgrade existing unsafe equipment vs. these depts which need money and whole trucks. There are actually a some opportunities now and then for us to donate such bars to small depts with few resources.

I do like everyone thinking about helping other depts and people.... as a site we should get together and do something good... I will put together a section for charity related posts tomorrow when I get home. That way people have a whole section to network both disaster and non-disaster charity events and projects. We should then start a specifc thread for this disaster where we can at the very least get a list of ideas going, then add to it when we get info from the area.

I realize that when a department loses it's entire house/fleet, an MX7000 is like peeing in the wind. However, two schools of thought come into play. The "good of the whole", and "the thought that counts"/"every little bit helps". We donate a lightbar and a siren, lets say. We all know dealerships sometimes donate a vehicle , now this department is +1 in its fleet.

Likewise, as you said, there's always the option of making a simple donation. Taking a lightbar, auction/sell it off where the proceeds go directly to such a need (again I realize that opens another logistical can of worms, but can be explored further in the future) .
chief1565 said:
I still like the idea of The Red Cross.

Some sort of existing charity to funnel some donations through would be a realistic goal. If we want to do a light related project, I can tell you from experience that these depts will likely end up with donated new vehicles. I have seen dealers offer to donate a new bar and or install, although generally that's local. My suggestion would be to identify a local or national charity that we think keeps our message true, and have a fund drive. The other thing is people could sell items with "proceeds benefiting" the area. Either way, the direct donation of lights will probably be limited to a few new items. I'll get the charity causes section open and we can brainstorm.
JohnMarcson said:
I do like everyone thinking about helping other depts and people.... as a site we should get together and do something good... I will put together a section for charity related posts tomorrow when I get home. That way people have a whole section to network both disaster and non-disaster charity events and projects. We should then start a specifc thread for this disaster where we can at the very least get a list of ideas going, then add to it when we get info from the area.

I don't know if you remember, John, but a couple of years ago there was a "Pay It Forward" thread here on the board. It fizzled out, but it's the same idea and principle. The products are free, just the end user pays shipping - or someone donates the funds for shipping.


Found it!

After some discussion with John, as he has does extensive research into the topic, we've come to a few conclusions, which also lead to a few questions.

How will the dealor/vendors feel about donating new lightbars if the need arises? How does/would sales tax right-offs be handled? Would shipping be covered?

The idea of donating used/older lightbars sounds good in theory. However, as John stated and we all know, should a department need to spec a new rig, they go with new.

So how can we take old lightbars and make good come from them? My thought was we start a new prefix in the classified for donation items. With this designator, the seller agrees that all proceeds from the sales go to a charity cause. I will open a section here to post links to ebay/craigslist/etc ads for items you may be selling for this purpose. In doing so, we're going to have to request some pretty specific things to avoid abuse of the donation process ( mainly keeping/making profits from donation items)

Likewise we are not limiting this to lightbars. Any equipment will be welcome, as we work out specifics we can figure out if new sections, categories are needed.

As we begin to hash out specifics, I need to remind you all how important your feedback/ideas are to make this all a reality. Many thanks to all that have chimed in thus far
As stated HERE, I have some solid red and solid blue remote dash & deck strobe units that I would be willing to donate. As of this writing, donating a brand new full sized LED lightbar just wouldn't be feasible, for us. I'd love to have that ability and maybe one day we will. But as of now, the older strobe products are about as much as we could donate. Of course, we'd also be willing to donate monetarily. Hope my little bit on input helps.
I moved the "pay it forward" thread to this section.

Any dealor/vendor input about donating new bars for departments? Or are monetary donations the way to go as far as everyone's concerned? Any thoughts about selling older bars/lights/etc strictly for donation purposes? ( the proceeds from said sale )

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