Hello to all!!


Jul 28, 2011
Nashua, NH
Kendreth here with a Hello to all! been a member of this site for a while but always lurked around. Im a Healthcare Safety and Security Super for a very large NH Hospital. myself and some of my team recently rebuilt a MX7000 lightbar on our patrol vehicle using surface mount LED's. its SUCH a backyard creation but rather than 3(that functioned) strobe tubes with amber lenses it has 4 leds in the amber upper and green and red leds on the clear lower level. ill have to post some pics soon. its spring, time for maintaince and lens polish in the northeast!
Welcome to the site! Hopefully we get to see your "creation" and there are plenty of people here who will offer advice (wanted and unwanted lol) on improving any install.
welcome! Looking forward to seeing some pics. I started out doing the same thing in my early days as security officer on patrol vehicles... now here I am as a service manager in a 2 way radio and vehicle upfitting shop. I'm just north of Boston, if there's anything you may need parts wise.
hey folks started a thread with the creation mentioned above. i was mistaken and its an Excalibur strobe bar the we rebuilt not an mx7000. AND with my promotion came a coveted NHDSMV370 permit so ill be able to run red facing forward in my personal soon!

For those who aren't from NH if your job title involves the word "security" there is a specific law on the books that you cannot have any flashing lights on your personal vehicle. if u work security and plow snow you cant have anything perm mounted. live free or die my @ss....

Evtech161 -sounds great! we actually just got a new patrol vehicle i was, for lack of a better word, begging for an interceptor utility but the ecofriendly folks in admin thought a escape would suit us better. its a 2017 so at least its brand new. one of the sr Admins is deciding on the upfit - dont know why its up to them theyre clueless i have nightmares of minibars......

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