NEED HELP! Military poser


Jul 17, 2014
Lagrange KY

I have a close friend who used to be on my department. He has moved about an hour away and is on a department there. He called me one day and said his assistant chief was claiming to be an elite military operator. I have never been in the military but my dad is reitired from the army. I told him of my friends dealings with this elite military operator. All three of us are not buying his stories. So my dad suggests on getting a FOIA check done. It was completed and that branch of the military denied this person ever served there. So now we have an official letter stating his assistant chief is lying. We are now looking for suggestions on how to handle it. Go to the chief, the board, or confront him or all of the above. My friend nor myself have ever served but we are both patriots so this makes our blood boil.
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This happens more then you'd think.
There is the stolen valor act that can be referred to on this.

Confrontation is probably the only way to get this to stop, but it probably will get messy.. good luck.
Thanks guys. I hate this and don’t want to be viewed as a bad guy but I can’t stand this sh*t. I don’t want this to continue. I am awaiting his actual military records. All I have at this point is a denial letter. Once I have his those I will know his real job in the military IF he ever served. I know his assistant chief has done a lot of good in his tenure but this is inexcusable. For every guy who gave the ultimate sacrifice there are 5,000 phony’s trying to steal their valor. My friend almost quit over this. I wouldn’t want to associate with a person like this. Especially an officer. My dad served 2 tours in Vietnam and he earned the free meals people buy him. Do you think he should be thrown off the deparment?
Thanks guys. I hate this and don’t want to be viewed as a bad guy but I can’t stand this sh*t. I don’t want this to continue. I am awaiting his actual military records. All I have at this point is a denial letter. Once I have his those I will know his real job in the military IF he ever served. I know his assistant chief has done a lot of good in his tenure but this is inexcusable. For every guy who gave the ultimate sacrifice there are 5,000 phony’s trying to steal their valor. My friend almost quit over this. I wouldn’t want to associate with a person like this. Especially an officer. My dad served 2 tours in Vietnam and he earned the free meals people buy him. Do you think he should be thrown off the deparment?

"Do you think he should be thrown off the deparment?"
I'm not sure I agree with the nuclear option on this issue either. What is his service record? Is he capable? Any other issues?

Yes Stolen Valor is not a small matter depending on the situation and what they are using it for. But to go Nuclear on someone who otherwise has been contributing to the department.. well that's a little overkill.

Regardless that is a decision to be made by his superiors.
I as a Non Military Person can say that He Should Be REMOVED from his Position if it is Proven that he Never Served, and Demoted to a Meter Maid, Whos to say if he Lied about being in the Military that he hasnt Lied about other things.... Its TIme to Pay Respect to Those that Earned It, Lived, and Served and Survived, or Died Protecting US, Our Way of Life, our Citizens, Our Country!
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"Do you think he should be thrown off the deparment?"
I'm not sure I agree with the nuclear option on this issue either. What is his service record? Is he capable? Any other issues?

Yes Stolen Valor is not a small matter depending on the situation and what they are using it for. But to go Nuclear on someone who otherwise has been contributing to the department.. well that's a little overkill.

Regardless that is a decision to be made by his superiors.

Thanks for your help. I am still waiting on the real records. From my friends accounts he is a very important officer and has decades of time and several family members. To my knowledge he’s not bringing this up at every chance. And he tells people “he doesn’t like to talk about it” but every single person knows of his elite military status but no details.
He is a very capable member to my knowledge. My friend seems to there’s a good ole boy system between the assistant and the chief. Hence my next question.
Should the board be involved?
I served in the Canadian Army as an Infantry platoon commander (mechanized and light roles; Primary Reserves and Regular Force). and fakers disgust me. Doesn't matter the country, service, branch, etc. I read your post and I got that unique feeling that I get whenever I hear about or run into a faker. It's a mix of disgust and anger. Hard to explain, really. Whenever a faker pulls their BS, it's an insult, an utter insult, to the men and women who took the Oath of Loyalty/Enrollment, trained hard, served with pride and professionalism and made enormous sacrifices.

Fakers aren't bright. Period. They almost always tend to hang themselves. There's a very well known case here of an idiot showing up at Parliament Hill on Remembrance Day in a Service Dress 1A uniform claiming to be a Sergeant in the Third Battalion (light infantry/specialists) of the Regular Force regiment that I served in (The Royal Canadian Regiment) and a Patrol Pathfinder (an elite type of paratrooper). I know some Pathfinders. One was a mentor to me on an early career course. They're almost superhuman in their mental and physical fitness and in their abilities. Only about 10% of candidates on the qualification course pass and this pool is already made up of experienced and highly capable soldiers. It's one of the most difficult courses in the Canadian Forces. As such, there are very few of them and they all know each other. Well, this faker lowlife went on national TV. When I saw it as did everyone else who served/serves, we instantly knew him to be a faker for many reasons. We're talking basic reasons that no soldier who was ever in this regiment would mess up, not to mention failing the most basic regulations as per the Regimental Standing Orders and CF Manual if Dress regarding what type of dress is to be worn when. Anyways, once people saw his Pathfinder Qualification badge, it took about two seconds for him to get found out. Had a long history of faking. He was criminally charged and became a national disgrace. His name and image were on national news and in publications coast to coast. He got caught and deep fried, more or less. His behaviour was an affront to us all and I'd have loved it if the troops could have gotten their hands on this twit.

But in my experience in dealing with fakers, the one of the best ways to catch them is with the simple stuff that someone who'd served would know, but that fakers overlook. Drill movement timings are a good one, as are the simple, yet important little details that posers never take into consideration. They tend to focus on the "interesting" and exciting details and overlook the critical day-to-day aspects of serving. Also, as another poster stated, operators tend not to say that they were one, big time. An operator most likely won't say a word about what they did. Those who served take immense pride in their unit and branch, but usually aren't quick to advertise it and certainly not to brag about it. We don't serve for glory, fame or kudos; we serve because we believe in it and want to do our part to serve our countries and those in need. Service, not glory. Pride, not bragging.
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Honestly, the nuclear option is the only option. He has proven he is a liar and has no personal integrity. Anything he says is now brought into question. He does not deserve to be in first responder position, much less a position of leadership. If he is involved in a fire with a fatality, can the investigators really trust what he says? If something goes missing at a scene, and he says he didn't take it, can you really believe it? I know where I stand, and I'd do everything I could to get him off of the department. He's the one who lied, it's his own damn fault.
@ProPatriaNeverPassAFault @BigWil

Guys, first and foremost thank you for your service we forever owe you a debt.

Here’s a recap:

Everyone thinks this needs to be stopped BUT with varying degrees of punishment. I agree with “nuking” him off the department but we don’t see it happening.

Recieved the official letter and is signed by a very nice Captain who was more then glad to set the record straight.

Still awaiting the real records.

Person in question is a Lt col with 20+ years service and family on the Dept.

Here’s is my newest piece of info. My friend says there is a guy on his Dept that is retired military and retired law enforcement. He wants to ask him if he’s ever smelled his bullshit.

Please keep bringing the suggestions. My friend is really going to be stirring up the shit, so any thoughts are welcomed.
Ask him for a picture of him in his uniform, what era is he claiming? nam? Shield/storm?
Ask him for a picture of him in his uniform, what era is he claiming? nam? Shield/storm?
All that my friend has heard from every single person on the department is that he is an operator. He has never devolved any other details or any information. There are no pictures or combat claims. The pictures don’t exist because he was never there. But he uses the guise of “I don’t like to talk about it” because it never happened. Never seen him in a military uniform and no stickers on his gear or vehicles. He doesn’t advertise it but it is common knowledge. Hope that answers your questions.
yea, there is no job title as "operator" if he claimed he was Delta, SEAL, marine RECON, Ranger, SOWT, or CCT. Id almost beleive he was trying to fake it...

nowadays an "operator" is someone who is a MERC for hire... or cheese clowns like this...

(language warning)

I have spoken with the retired senior chief a couple of times. He is a hell of a nice guy. I am a monthly subscriber to his video site. He explained that he mostly deals with the guys who have certain features.
tell the seal story to anyone who will listen, have seal tattoos, wear seal clothing, have seal items on their cars, wear fake uniforms, lie on job applications, fake DD214’s.

In Don’s opinion when I spoke with him on the phone, he said to confront him with the letter he sent me or get an official letter from the NAVSPECWARCOM which I did. This phony mentions it once and never brings it up again. Dons words were to the effect of “there’s not much I can do”
And I understand. Don’s posts for his website need things to show, pictures documents and videos.
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My apologies for the very long post. It addresses my stance and justification for why this guy needs to face the nuclear option and ideally, be relieved of his duties as a leader. Second, it has an anecdote about the sole time I ran into someone claiming to have been a JTF 2 operator. Anyone who says that they were in JTF 2 is always a poser as JTF 2 members are extremely hush hush and don't even acknowledge their membership in the unit to other military personnel; or to anyone, for that matter.

Totally agree with bigwil. If he has no personal or professional integrity, he's not suitable to lead. A leader must possess, uphold and continually develop extremely high standards of personal and professional integrity. Integrity is one of the cornerstones of leadership. One of the Canadian Forces Principles of Leadership is "Lead by Example". If he's a lying fool, what type of example does that set for the troops? It only sows the seeds for sloppy, unprofessional, and disingenuous conduct that is devoid of any kind of integrity. Such conduct will be the undoing of any unit. Another Principal of Leadership is "Seek and Accept Responsibility". This has a few different meanings, but one is that if you screwed up, you admit that you did to both your superiors and subordinates. You go to your superiors and say "Sir(s), I screwed up and accept any and all repercussions for my actions. It won't happen again." You'd also go to your troops and say "Gentlemen, I screwed up. I let you down as a leader. I apologize and I won't let you down again." You always admit fault to your troops before your superiors as they'd be directly affected by a screw up and a leader must always be accountable to their subordinates just as much, if not far more so than their superiors. If this clown is so disingenuous, would he be honest when admitting fault? Would he even do so in the first place? I strongly doubt it. If he doesn't have integrity, then he simply can't be trusted to lead properly or to let his troops know of any changes in a situation (another Principle of Leadership). How do you know that he honestly will ensure others' safety? He can't be counted on if he can't tell the truth. Not telling the truth means that he can't/won't ensure your safety. Period. A leader that can't be trusted and counted on can't lead. Period. I've attached some relevant sections from a Canadian Army publication called "The Leader: A Guide to Being a Successful Non Commissioned Officer in the Army". It's an older edition, but it still stands true. It was given to me while on a career course. While there are definite differences in how commissioned officers and NCOs lead, the core concepts of leadership are universal, which is why we were given it. The sections include "Honour, Integrity and Dignity" and "Be Honest". Some key parts of the latter are "Never sacrifice integrity", "You may be able to fool those you work for; chances are that you will never be able to fool those who work for you" and "Any attempt to fool them is a serious gamble that is seldom worth the risks involved". On the latter point, those are risks to both oneself and their career, but especially to their troops. The risks to your troops supercede those to yourself. They always come first. This lowlife has put himself first. He "bladed" his troops. Any leader who blades his troops is no leader; he's not even fit to wear the uniform. I hope that this information helps you in making the decision to push the red button and expose this fraud. His career be damned; he lied to his troops and cannot be trusted to lead effectively. Look at it like this: if he can't tell the truth, what guarantee is there that he'll have the other troops' backs when the situation gets dicey or where one is in need/danger? None. He's telling these lies for purely selfish reasons. You never want some selfish jackass looking out for you or your safety, because when things get nasty, he sure as hell won't. He'll save his own skin and leave everyone else's to fry.

In Canada, JTF 2 operators will NEVER EVER, EVER say that that were/are operators. The unit is hugely top secret stuff. The Canadian Government only even acknowledged their existence in 2004. IIRC, it was after a photo screw up where operator were seen in the background of an air strip photo of Taliban detainees that they captured. Their faces were blurred, but even then, it was a massive screw up as the unit is enormously secretive. I've heard stories where their driver's licence only has their first name on it and nothing else. Their HQ outside of Ottawa is strictly off-limits to everyone. They don't wear uniforms, but you just know in the rare situations where you see one. They have a presence about them and carry themselves in a way that just says "do NOT ask any questions." Our nickname for them is "the secret squirrels".

I've only run into some jackass who claimed to be a former JTF 2 operator once. He did so in a way where it was like "you'd better back off, man" and rife with cockiness. He went so far as to disparage the Regular Force and my regiment, calling it the most offensive thing you can call us. Normally would result in some free dental work and facial rearrangement depending on who you said it to. My blood wasn't just boiling; it was superheated steam. I gave him the dressing down to end all dressing downs. I said that if he was in JTF 2, he'd have never even said he was. If he was, he wouldn't disparage the Regs as he'd know the role that they play in warfare. Finally, I had some very choice words with him how no true soldier would disparage a regiment in such a deeply offensive way purely for the sake of offending and warned him of what could have happened. If he had said what he did to an old school Senior NCO or Warrant Officer, he'd have probably been literally torn to shreds. This asshat was a special type as he still didn't get that he was found out but good. Of course I proceeded to pick apart every single detail of his BS story about his "service" and that asked since he's so open about being an operator, asked what unit was he in prior to joining JTF 2. That was actually the most entertaining part. His rebuttals just dug him in much deeper. This guy was dumb as a brick with brain damage, but cocky as blazes. He claimed that he joined up first as a sniper (BS; you have to be posted to a regiment and then pass the incredibly difficult Basic Sniper Qualification course). Doesn't mention the unit; just that he directly joined as a sniper. I said funny, you must have taken a different version of the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test that everybody else has ever taken in the recruiting phase in the history of the CF. The CFAT shows what trades you meet the requirements for. Sniper is most certainly not a possible result, nor is it even an MOC. He says that he didn't have to take it. I directly called BS on that. The decimation of his BS continued. By that point, it was a mix of feeling disgusted, offended, a bit sorry for the bastard and amused. I then added that I know two old school SNCOs from my regiment that are Master Snipers and that I'll be passing on his info to them and that maybe they'd know him. They'd have likely killed the SOB after what he said. Both are very good men who were like father figures to me as an Officer Cadet and a subaltern. Dunno why they liked me, but they did. One had a reputation for being a bit of a hardass and ballbuster due to him being Directing Staff at The RCR Battle School. He was anything but; very tough but equally as fair and always helped me learn and develop my leadership. They both took me under their wings and were great for sitting down with and having off the record chats and getting advice about everything; both military related and about life in general. One made the best damn beef and venison jerky that I've ever had. His own recipe. It was scary good. I'll never forget our chats while enjoying it. They had such an indelible and positive influence on me that I'll never forget them and it's my duty to them and their fellow snipers that they know that some fool is stealing their valour and disgracing them by pretending to be one and acting disgracefully. I told the faker that I'll also be passing on his info to the fellow Royal Canadians that I'm in touch with as well as every single soldier that I know and am in touch with. A number of them are in LE; so not good for the faker. I said that if he should cross paths with some of them, what I did would be like me giving him a cuddle. He was sheepish at this point and told me that I can't do that. I told him that he reaped what he sowed and that it's illegal to be a poser, so he can't do what he's doing. He clammed up and hightailed it by that point. Saw him again a few times, but he gave me quite a bit of distance. That always seems to happen when I catch a poser red-handed.

But what I say to them is this: "For amount of effort that you put into lying and faking, you could have just as easily joined up and served with pride. You wouldn't have to live a lie. Since you're so interested in the military, give it a go. I have my doubts as to how long you'd last, but at least you'd have actually served, if even for a short time."

Another little trick is to listen and ask seemingly innocuous questions so that they give themselves enough rope to really hang themselves with. Once you have said rope, go for the jugular.

Why should you extend this idiot any courtesy when he's failed to do so to both your buddy and fellow first responders by lying outright to them? This guy is in a significant position too that he's completely unfit to be in. He's unfit to wear the uniform of a service dedicated to serving society as he's a self-serving numpty.
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I would just ignore it. He's out of your hair now. Let him be a retard somewhere else. Not be insult you but telling his chief makes you look salty. Just have a good laugh with your peers about it. I'm sure there's real veterans there that already have called bull$hit.
There are always people that ”tell tales” about what they have done.
Some of them really believe it themself.

When I made my military service here in Sweden in the mid 70s I hade one of my fellow service men telling one story after another.
It was stories about what he had done before his military service.
It took me some time to realize this but when I got a monthly magazine and read an article about the things he had said and everything word by word was there I knowed where I had him.
A ”pathological” liar maybe.

I am involved in the volunteer military since the early 80s and we had a guy sometime in the 90s that used an uniform of a rank abow the one he was appointed to.
I do not know what happend with him because I have not seen him since.

In your case, do not report this to his superiors because it is not a question of his present work.

They probably know allready.
If your friend knows, they knows.

Your friend could confront him with the findings when he starts to ”tell tales” again and ask him to stop this nonsense.

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I realize I am arriving to this party a little late, but I'd like to throw in some facts rather than the "off with his head" opinion that many on here have.

It really matters little what you may, or may not, think of this person. The simple fact is the Stolen Valor Act has been declared unconstitutional, since it violates someone's First Amendment rights. I'm sure I'll get flamed by people who will not read my entire post, but so be it. I am NOT ENDORSING OR SUPPORTING PEOPLE WHO LIE ABOUT MILITARY SERVICE. Unfortunately, my opinion on these people does not matter in the eyes of the law.

If you all want to complain and harass this person, or post their information on military impersonator sites, or ridicule them, then go right ahead. I personally think shaming somebody for whatever reason is just as tasteless as the people who lie about their military service. Two wrongs don't make a right. That said, this person would not face any sort of disciplinary action, and he definitely wouldn't be fired off his job, for making up fish tales about their military service.

And before you all assume anything about me, I do have prior military service, but I am NOT a law enforcement official. I am an employee of the state, but I am not LEO. I do not pretend to be. I just happen to be an emergency lighting enthusiast. Where I used to work, there was a small man who approached me and started admiring the military items I had on my desk. He then went into a long diatribe about how he used to be a sergeant who worked in an army hospital when one day the brass walked in and told him he was out of uniform because his actual rank was that of general and he was the commander of the hospital. I smiled and nodded and proceeded to ignore him the rest of my time at that particular job. These people want attention. They'll do anything to get that attention. I have heard plenty of stories about people who supposedly served or exaggerated and embellished their service record and self-awarded decorations they added to their ribbon rack themselves. I can't do anything about people like that. They're liars. Eventually, they'll have to answer for their deception, but unfortunately, they aren't breaking any laws.
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I Hate to say it but hes right.... God WIll Sort Us All Out after We Die and Try To Enter the Holy Gates!

But I Still say lieing on a Goverment Form or to Government Officials is still Against the Law!
Thanks guys. I hate this and don’t want to be viewed as a bad guy but I can’t stand this sh*t. I don’t want this to continue. I am awaiting his actual military records. All I have at this point is a denial letter. Once I have his those I will know his real job in the military IF he ever served. I know his assistant chief has done a lot of good in his tenure but this is inexcusable. For every guy who gave the ultimate sacrifice there are 5,000 phony’s trying to steal their valor. My friend almost quit over this. I wouldn’t want to associate with a person like this. Especially an officer. My dad served 2 tours in Vietnam and he earned the free meals people buy him. Do you think he should be thrown off the deparment?
I realize I am arriving to this party a little late, but I'd like to throw in some facts rather than the "off with his head" opinion that many on here have.

It really matters little what you may, or may not, think of this person. The simple fact is the Stolen Valor Act has been declared unconstitutional, since it violates someone's First Amendment rights. I'm sure I'll get flamed by people who will not read my entire post, but so be it. I am NOT ENDORSING OR SUPPORTING PEOPLE WHO LIE ABOUT MILITARY SERVICE. Unfortunately, my opinion on these people does not matter in the eyes of the law.

If you all want to complain and harass this person, or post their information on military impersonator sites, or ridicule them, then go right ahead. I personally think shaming somebody for whatever reason is just as tasteless as the people who lie about their military service. Two wrongs don't make a right. That said, this person would not face any sort of disciplinary action, and he definitely wouldn't be fired off his job, for making up fish tales about their military service.

And before you all assume anything about me, I do have prior military service, but I am NOT a law enforcement official. I am an employee of the state, but I am not LEO. I do not pretend to be. I just happen to be an emergency lighting enthusiast. Where I used to work, there was a small man who approached me and started admiring the military items I had on my desk. He then went into a long diatribe about how he used to be a sergeant who worked in an army hospital when one day the brass walked in and told him he was out of uniform because his actual rank was that of general and he was the commander of the hospital. I smiled and nodded and proceeded to ignore him the rest of my time at that particular job. These people want attention. They'll do anything to get that attention. I have heard plenty of stories about people who supposedly served or exaggerated and embellished their service record and self-awarded decorations they added to their ribbon rack themselves. I can't do anything about people like that. They're liars. Eventually, they'll have to answer for their deception, but unfortunately, they aren't breaking any laws.
I don't care for people who go beyond a little embellishing. Not everyone who serves is a special operations operator. The electronics need maint., the pay and mail must go through, laundry done, meals provided, vehicles and weapons kept may be assigned to a unit; but without the budweiser frog, green beret/ranger tab (having a chairborne ranger tab doesn't count), force recon, and the forgotten special ops. of the air force-the parajumper, combat controller, even weather (generals hate to have a press photo-op in the rain). Don't fall for the information is classified thing either. There are records that can be found if you dig. Most who actually were special ops are quiet people who if need be can prove it. They don't go around puffing up. My thoughts are take what information you can prove, privately approach the guy and ask him to clarify misconceptions or stop referring to himself as such and such if he isn't. If he puffs up and threatens he's a phony. Then go to the persons supervisor, provide proof, and ask for investigation and clarification. If nothing happens and you have proof then go public. The downside is that the department is tarnished, the individual tarnished, and so are you. Not right but that's just the way it is. Sometimes the best thing is just to let it go...sometimes the thing to do is shake his hand and look him in the eye and tell him you have proof he's a fraud and walk away.
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yea, there is no job title as "operator" if he claimed he was Delta, SEAL, marine RECON, Ranger, SOWT, or CCT. Id almost beleive he was trying to fake it...

nowadays an "operator" is someone who is a MERC for hire... or cheese clowns like this...

(language warning)

My, how nice of a target is that Japanese flag? Trauma plate or not it is GOING TO HURT. I don't consider mercenary contracted operators to be a "operator". The top tier operators who are shooters are in a class of their own. Most contractors are pawns...I suppose they have some purposes but some get a bit overblown as to abilities.
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To update everyone no action has been taken. Yet. We are still awaiting real navy records. Navy is saying near or about 03/18/2019 the request will be completed. In the time since then, my friend has heard more phony claims of his asst chiefs seal career. As we have discussed, we have several options. No concrete decisions have been made. We hope to make a decision once all the facts have been discovered. This seems much further then one man’s embellishments to another man. The entire department thinks their assistant chief is a seal. This is more then a white lie. They view this guy as a hero and although illegal or not it is highly unethical. What if this guy is commanding a swift water rescue? He should be the most highly trained combat swimmer and diver in the country. But he is not. His reckless actions could get someone killed. It would be no different if I started telling people that I was a seal and I could swim anywhere anytime. If I lie, then I become a liability and wind up doing things I should not be doing. Like getting promoted to a command position because I am a highly trained military operator.
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You can always wait till he has an audience around, and then ask him:

What class were you in?
Who was your swim buddy?

Any Seal should be able to rattle those off, no delay.
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@Phillyrube i agree but this would only cast doubt. But not everyone is going to believe us. My friend would much rather take my letter signed by a NAVSPECWARCOM captain (O-6). Who is willing to put his name on the line. We want to be able to prove XYZ was his real job in the navy. We can prove a point easily but we want this to come to a final end. Permanently.
Keep us updated with every thing on this, Jmamrak. We all want to see this poser get his lying @$$ lit up in flames before his department like Marylin Manson stepping into a Baptist Revival.
Keep us updated with every thing on this, Jmamrak. We all want to see this poser get his lying @$$ lit up in flames before his department like Marylin Manson stepping into a Baptist Revival.

My thoughts exactly, but damn, that was a good one with Marilyn Manson. I had a good laugh at that. That's lighting his ass up worse than napalm mixed with burrito night gas. Pure incineration.
Just to update everyone on our current situation.
  1. I have the FOIA denial letter from NAVSPECWARCOM
  2. I now have the FOIA denial letter from the Department of the Navy**
  3. I have opened a third FOIA with the National Military Archives in St. Louis MO.

** (they stated they have no records of any such person; they opened another jar because now I have to contact the archives to make sure they don’t have them. Basically all the Navy said was we don’t have any records but the archives may have them. Basically I was told all the records pre 1985 are paper. So if he ever was in the Navy it would have to be before 1985. An electronic search was done from present to 1985 and yielded no results.
How old is this guy? if he's 50 or younger, you're wasting your time, since his window of opportunity to join would fall in 1985. Also, if he was a member past 1985, his records would have been digitized, and if they were not, at least his DD-214 would be.
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Looks like this clown is in for a deep frying. That's heavy duty evidence right there. Not only was he not an operator, he never even served in the USN! Let's see what the archives say. Outstanding work! These facts don't lie. He did, but they don't.
"boot camp" survivor... not even long enough time to be called a veteran unless he was medically discharged...
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"boot camp" survivor... not even long enough time to be called a veteran unless he was medically discharged...

Even then, if he barely made it through Basic Training. I'm speculating that he scraped by if he released after 56 days. Wonder why he released? Now that I'd love to know.

TO ALL: MY VERY IMPORTANT NAVAL RECORDS SEARCH HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THIS IS HARD TO BELIEVE BUT OUR GUY SPENT AN EYEWATERING 56 DAYS IN THE NAVY! I hope this is satisfactory and everyone can sleep well knowing the truth! I have some printing to do!

Outstanding work @jmamrak ! You've got your rope ready. Now tie a noose and give the bastard the long drop! Or maybe because of how he posed, the short drop. Either way, the oil's hot, so time to get everything together and deep fry him.
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