Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

oh no he did not!!!!!!!!! on a side note.... good morning!
he forget dead...
when I first started riding at the squad, I had said the Q word, not knowing any better being new. One of the other crew members came in, "tiny Tim" who is around 6'5''... towers over me and tells me if we end up with a hectic night... I know where you are sleeping ( he was at our sub station for the night) and from that moment on.... ..... BTW it ended up being a quiet night..
when I first started riding at the squad, I had said the Q word, not knowing any better being new. One of the other crew members came in, "tiny Tim" who is around 6'5''... towers over me and tells me if we end up with a hectic night... I know where you are sleeping ( he was at our sub station for the night) and from that moment on.... ..... BTW it ended up being a quiet night..
Ive been doing Fire/Rescue/EMS on and off for almost 16 years. Not 2 months ago, on a a marathon 38 hour shift, as I stepped out of the rig with my then partner that night, I mubbled, without thinking "hope the rest of your night is quiet".

I no sooner said it than I went wided eyed in the oh sh*t what did I just say look. My partner was thinking the same: He then proceeded to get slammed with triple back to backs.

He knew I meant no harm, and it was an innocent mistake, so my punishment was very small. I had to have a bar of soap in my mouth the next shift we worked together, until he told me to take it out. I say small because he pitied me at the 5 minute mark :p
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i worked security at a hospital 10 years ago or so and was in the er... i said man its awfully dead in here....

about threee nurses looked at me with a very angry look. i was like what?

then they told me the rule of 4 lol 

no deaths happened that night
You said it to the nurses!!!!! You one lucky person!! lol I know some colleagues in nursing would have given you a VIP tour of the ICU  
Since no one has "seen" my post in the wanted section, and this is a free-for-all, I'll ask here......

I need 2 alley modules and 2 takedown modules (which are duals) for a Sound Off Signal ETL 5000.... It's on my patrol car and only one light in the left takedown module works. I don't think I can swap out the reflector and bulb by themselves, but they are the same style light/reflector as the minis in the code 3 LP 6000 it looks like.

Crap..... pulled them and compared.... they are not the same as the LP minis. CRAP!!@!
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Since no one has "seen" my post in the wanted section, and this is a free-for-all, I'll ask here......

I need 2 alley modules and 2 takedown modules (which are duals) for a Sound Off Signal ETL 5000.... It's on my patrol car and only one light in the left takedown module works. I don't think I can swap out the reflector and bulb by themselves, but they are the same style light/reflector as the minis in the code 3 LP 6000 it looks like.

Crap..... pulled them and compared.... they are not the same as the LP minis. CRAP!!@!

I saw it. I did not say anything because I don't have any.

Don't forget the meteor shower this morning...
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I have been out in my fields twice in the last hour. I have a Great Horned Owl that eats my cats. I can't shoot it, but I can make its life miserable. 1st time, I took a Ruger MKIII with a red dot and 50 yard illuminator. The owl was unimpressed and I was slightly intimidated (I mean it is about 3 feet tall). 2nd time out, I took an AR with a illuminated scope and a 450 yard illuminator. The rascal moved to a post about 100 yards out and is just sitting there. I guess that is as good as it can get tonight.

Later today, I will put plastic buckets over each post. The owl's talons can't grip on them and, hopefully, they will move to a neighbor's property.  
If the owl is being that persistent he must have a nest close.  We used a scare crow close to where he perched and moved it a little every night enough for it to notice.  With that we took a couple of small pieces of wood with nails run through it and put them on top of the post so it would make perching very uncomfortable for him.   It takes about a week but the little winged spawn of satan finally got the hint. 
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now I am stuck, I sold some lights, and now have to think, in my truck do I want a full size interior bar and leave my SOS nforce grill lights ( pair) in place. OR do I put six apollos in the grill like this  and maybe a small dash light. Im so confused now with a truck being high up.  Mind you I do minimal response as of now until I am done with boards and jobs and the wife is done with school but in time will be responding more. I don't do traffic control anymore with the vehicle either.
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so QM uniforms aka GOSH (urr i mean Galls yea thats it..)Jr.  is having a thursday sell on these for almost half off...


I've been wanting one in red for awhile but didn't want to spend $60 for it....

so i  bought one. 

(hurry now they only have 14 left.)
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I have been out in my fields twice in the last hour. I have a Great Horned Owl that eats my cats. I can't shoot it, but I can make its life miserable. 1st time, I took a Ruger MKIII with a red dot and 50 yard illuminator. The owl was unimpressed and I was slightly intimidated (I mean it is about 3 feet tall). 2nd time out, I took an AR with a illuminated scope and a 450 yard illuminator. The rascal moved to a post about 100 yards out and is just sitting there. I guess that is as good as it can get tonight.

Later today, I will put plastic buckets over each post. The owl's talons can't grip on them and, hopefully, they will move to a neighbor's property.  
It is illegal to shoot them, but not shoot AT them..... I'd put a round dead into the post about 6" below his feet.
:rotfl:   :rotfl:   :rotfl:   :rotfl:   :rotfl:   :rotfl:    :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:   :crackup:
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"Stay on the line and tell me exactly what happened"

'Ok thanks' Click....

DID I EFFING STUTTER?! I said stay on the line! :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh:
s...s....sure you d....d....didnt :haha:
after 3 pm today im on vacation.. for a few days...
ahhh after 1600hrs today its an awesome weekend. Brother is coming over Saturday night, drinking and drinking and.....drinking  then golfing on Sunday, all while my other half is in Atlantic city for a bachelorette party!!
wasn't quiet here this morning, we had a smalllllll earthquake 2.5 I believe. Never felt it but its huge news for Jersey apparently lol
Tonight is my first night back on nights..... sort of ... I start my two week rotation of nights/days.... but at least I get to be back working SOME nights....

I is happy.  :ph34r:
Get ready for back to back calls 2 hours before shift change
who said that????

who the f*** said that???

who said quiet?!? i swear to God Ill pistol whip whoever said quiet:

been runnin and gunning since 1240, YESTERDAY

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