125 + beacons new picture 3/21/11

Full of :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: right there! Very cool, dude!
:inlove: :inlove: :hearts: Absolutely gorgeous!
Some fine whelen specimens in that bunch!

In the last picture, the flashback covers make those fireballs look somewhat like nuns or is it just me?

It's not to be mean, I just see a resemblance...

Nice beacons!

A great collection, beautifully restored (or are all mint NOS?) and displayed. How do you find this stuff, is it a full-time job searching for them? If I bought this many lights, my wife would put me on a shelf in the garage!
Dr. Dennis Stouffer said:
If I bought this many lights, my wife would put me on a shelf in the garage!

I have already told Dan this but last week I got my first Junior ray beacon shipped from California to Sydney. I went to hide in the garage to check out my new acquisition but was caught by the wife.

"Not another light....how much did that cost..." came the cry but that was slowly followed by " Thats nice and shiney.....I like the chrome"

Had to pick myself up from the floor. Havent as yet told her I bought my third flashball.
Abacus said:
I have already told Dan this but last week I got my first Junior ray beacon shipped from California to Sydney. I went to hide in the garage to check out my new acquisition but was caught by the wife.
"Not another light....how much did that cost..." came the cry but that was slowly followed by " Thats nice and shiney.....I like the chrome"

Had to pick myself up from the floor. Havent as yet told her I bought my third flashball.

My wife doesn't even go in the lightbar room anymore....
i live with familly it is my dad who gets mad at the light (cause there not guns or fishing) but seeing how my little nephew likes them now they are ok
kitn1mcc said:
.....it is my dad who gets mad at the lights.....

I can relate because my Dad used to smash and destroy any blinky light he found around my house when I was a teenager back in the 70s because he thought I might get in trouble with the law over them. They were mostly the cheapo J.C. Whitney, NAPA, and Western Auto types, which wasn't too painful to lose, but I do recall he time I came home to a small fire in the middle of our driveway, literally. I was really pissed when I discovered it was a pair of new Fireballs I had saved up for and bought at a dealer's and I had stashed them but he found them. He eventually "lightened" up a few years later in the early 80s when I became a police officer, but especially because my daughter enjoyed seeing them light up when she was a baby. She called them weeoweeos, which became my catchphrase for them. I'm 53 now and Dad has been gone for 10 years, but I sure wish he could be here to see what I have accumulated over the years......
Whenever I see this collection, I wish I was somewhere other than in California. Quite a few of these lights were never used on EVs here, like the Beacon Ray 15 series, because every light (and siren) used on an EV, or actually any warning light used on a vehicle that uses public streets, must be type approved by the CHP. I understand that approval is time consuming, and fairly expensive. I was told some years back that the cost was at least $50,000., so some manufacturers just skip it, unless they think they can sell a lot here, like Federal, Whelen, and Public Safety. Someday, this fine and growing collection should be in a fire museum.
JohnMarcson said:
My wife doesn't even go in the lightbar room anymore....

I don't have this problem any longer. The one who used to bitch about my "hoarding stupid lights" is gone and the one that I am dating now used to be in the fire department and actually likes my collection. One of the things I did after the divorce was to turn the cherry wood china closet in the dining room into a display case. Man, how I wanted to send her some pics just to piss her off!! LMAO

kitn1mcc said:
i live with familly it is my dad who gets mad at the light (cause there not guns or fishing) but seeing how my little nephew likes them now they are ok

Tell dad that there are a worse things you could be doing or spending your money! ;-)
I'm really liking that S&M 757.

Everybody makes such a fuss over Trio T2's, but they probably don't realize that the S&M 757 was the first LAPD can light.

Great collection Dan, I'll have to stop by again some day soon when I'm up in Ayer watching trains.
Wow that is truely a nice collection you have inspired this younglin. Any chance you wanna part with some you dont need or fit the collection. one more time wow
It just keeps getting better! I always look forward to your next find........

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