1999 F-150 / Whelen mini liberty


May 21, 2010
Here is my mini liberty, mounted on my '99 F-150. I have been putting off adding the TIR6 to the center of the bar, and just added it today. It is nice and bright, I like it. I love the grille in the 10th generation 150's but lighting laws prevent me from putting a dominator or 2 TIR6's in the grille. I would also like to put some pimp pods or LINZ6s on the toolbox, but I'm adhering with the law.

Sorry for the shotty camera work. Was trying to do it in a hurry. The bar is set to action flash, but it doesn't really look like it in the video.


Boss429 said:
Here is my mini liberty, mounted on my '99 F-150. I have been putting off adding the TIR6 to the center of the bar, and just added it today. It is nice and bright, I like it. I love the grille in the 10th generation 150's but lighting laws prevent me from putting a dominator or 2 TIR6's in the grille. I would also like to put some pimp pods or LINZ6s on the toolbox, but I'm adhering with the law.

looks good blake. do u just respond to the station, or do u frequently respond to the scene?...if u do respond to the scene on a regular basis, how about a pair of amber lin6's (not linz6's) or pimp pods to the rear of the tool box?
pdk9 said:
looks good blake. do u just respond to the station, or do u frequently respond to the scene?...if u do respond to the scene on a regular basis, how about a pair of amber lin6's (not linz6's) or pimp pods to the rear of the tool box?

99.9999% of my responses are to the station. I only go to the scene if the call is on, or just out of my way to the station. I live just out of my companies first due so I'm about 3 minutes from the station.
RJ* said:
One in a million, huh? That's a lot of responses.

No, I'm just trying to get the point across that most of my responses are to the station. More like 1 in 300 are to the scene.
You can see the flash pattern better in this video taken about 8:30 eastern time.

Looks good! Also a sharp looking truck. Did you think of adding an amber TIR6 to the rear of the bar? A good for you for staying with in the law. Both of my old fire dept's used to run lights on POV's till someone (yes, just one) messed it up for all of us.
First off I want to say it looks great

Boss429 said:
I love the grille in the 10th generation 150's but lighting laws prevent me from putting a dominator or 2 TIR6's in the grille. I would also like to put some pimp pods or LINZ6s on the toolbox, but I'm adhering with the law

I also wanted to say thank you for adhering to the law. There seems to be a growing amount of whackers who are firefighters who justify adding illegal lighting to their vehicle just because the local law enforcement won't ticket for it. Thank you for not following their path.
looks good, not sure how your area is or if your truck is raised at all, but i would add a pair of grill lights or a dash light. with alot of the smaller passenger cars they do not always see the lights on the roof of a truck unless it is dark out or from a distance.not sure if your lighting laws allow them but it makes life easier responding to the station

added: yea apparently i missed the part about following the laws and not being able to install grill lights or a dash light. you are a rear breed most people add as much as they get away with but it must suck getting stuck behind a ground hugging car that the operator cannot see above your hood to see the lights.
Boss429 said:
I love the grille in the 10th generation 150's but lighting laws prevent me from putting a dominator or 2 TIR6's in the grille. I would also like to put some pimp pods or LINZ6s on the toolbox, but I'm adhering with the law.

Don't hear that very often 'round these parts! Well done! :p
RL1 said:
Looks good! Also a sharp looking truck. Did you think of adding an amber TIR6 to the rear of the bar? A good for you for staying with in the law. Both of my old fire dept's used to run lights on POV's till someone (yes, just one) messed it up for all of us.

Wow, yup and there is one like that in every crowd. Thanks!
Thanks guys, but I don't want to be another wacker. Yes I have thought of adding a dash light (like a dual Viper S2) mainly for daytime responses so small cars can see it.

A few guys at the station ignore the law and have dash lights, and grille lights. Its funny because one of our firefighters had a fed sig responder halogen, Whelen Spectir8, and 2 TIR3's in the grille. And get this, he lives less than 1/16 mile from the station!

Another Firefighter/driver lives about five houses closer to the station than I and he has something like a C3 LP 6100 halogen beacon light atop his truck, so we have a lot of warning power when responding to a call.

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