4th of July - Alton Il. style..... MORONS


May 21, 2010
Greenville, IL
Here is an article from the local paper. This is the town our plant butts up against. I listened to this on the mobile last night... STUPID STUPID STUPID people. :shock:

Mob shoots fireworks at police, firefighters

Comments 46 | Recommend 2

July 05, 2010 5:14 PM


For The Telegraph

ALTON - First responders from the Alton Fire Department and five officers from the Alton Police Department were attacked by a crowd of several hundred people in the Oakwood Housing Complex who shot large bottle rockets at them. The incidents occurred late Sunday and early Monday in the 700 and 800 blocks of Oakwood.

"I'm so angry," said Alton Police Chief David Hayes. "This type of conduct is not supposed to happen in civil society. This was obviously intended to be entertainment for the crowd."

Hayes added that the crowd's actions were "despicable and turn my stomach."

The confrontations began at 10:20 p.m. and within the 40 minutes it took to resolve the first incident, police were attacked three times. It started when a firetruck was dispatched to extinguish a Dumpster fire in the 700 block of Oakwood and was immediately attacked by the crowd shooting and throwing fireworks at them.

According to two police reports, Patrolman First Class Walter Wetzstein and several other officers already were on their way to the scene because of the "large amounts of fireworks being set off at that location." Both reports stated that in the past, fires have been set to "lure the fire department out so they could be attacked by fireworks."

When officers arrived, they too were attacked "by the mob" with bottle rockets thrown from behind buildings. Police responded with pepper-ball guns and at one point pursued attackers in an attempt to restore order. Officers left when firefighters were able to extinguish the Dumpster fire but quickly returned to the housing complex because of reports of people shot or injured in the 800 block of Oakwood. Police did not find anyone injured but again were attacked by fireworks and again deployed pepper-ball guns to prevent attacks.

Officers were attacked a third time in the 700 block of Oakwood when they responded to reports of a truck fire; that turned out to be a box on fire. Officers had to leave when their pepper-ball guns were out of ammunition.

At 12:29 a.m. July 5, police and fire personnel again were dispatched to the Oakwood Housing complex for a Dumpster fire in the 800 block of Oakwood. Officers were attacked with bottle rockets and again deployed pepper-ball guns. When the fire department put out the fire, police requested the Dumpster in the 900 block be soaked down in an attempt to prevent it from being set on fire. Officers left at that time to respond to other calls.

"The Fourth of July is always a very busy time for us because of fireworks. It's unfortunate that resources were tied up for a couple of hours like this" when the rest of the city might have needed them, Hayes said.

The city has taken a more proactive approach this year in curtailing the private use of fireworks. The Telegraph printed a letter from Mayor Tom Hoechst stating that fireworks were illegal in Illinois. Individuals found to have them or be discharging them would receive a non-traffic citation and would have to appear before a judge and ordered to pay a fine. If they failed to do so, a warrant would be issued for their arrest.

"The sad reality is there were likely a number of adults who participated or were spectators. They're just showing their kids 'this is the way we have fun on the Fourth of July.' It speaks to the poor parenting skills they have," Hayes said.

The police are reviewing videotapes to see how they can follow up with charges.

"If nothing else, we can identify the residences people were going in and out of and talk to them," Hayes said.

Hayes said he spoke with management of Alton's Housing Authority and they "share in our horror." He said the two departments will work together to prevent problems next year.

Andy Hightower, the Alton Housing Authority's manager, did not return a reporter's call Monday afternoon.

"This is as aggressive as I can remember an attack (of fire department personnel)," Assistant Fire Chief Tom Chappell said. "It's a bad situation when people who are sworn to help get attacked."

"It's disheartening and I support Chief Hayes' investigation into this 100 percent," Alton Fire Chief Greg Bock said.

Bock said first responders are unable to help others in an unsafe environment. He did not recall similar incidents last year but did say he has been to "dozens of incidents that involved grass fires, brush fires, EMT calls, all associated with private use of fireworks. What goes up has to come down and that creates a hazard not only for spectators but also the first responders."

The pumper truck received "no real damage" from the fireworks and a bottle rocket put a dent in one squad car. The report did not mention injuries to city personnel but one officer was sent to Alton Memorial Hospital to speak with a juvenile and her mother who claimed the girl was struck by a pepper-ball.
and thats when you turn the hoses on the crowd... wet fireworks dont work as well as dry ones....
gfpd26 said:
Oakwood Housing Complex

There's your problem right there.... This is why I am so adament about my dislike towards social programs. These people are acting like animals, have nothing productive to add to society and are finding new ways to be leaches to society. Let the whole place burn down and start over...
I got an idea for the police next year:

1. Have a "marketing campaign" in local papers, and posted signage weeks before 4th of July stating ALL fireworks and possession/use is illegal- and will be met with necessary force.

2. Post 2 tactical officers per fire truck, or have one car respond per truck.

3. Supply said tactical officers with full gas mask. (notify all firefighters to respond full PPE/SCBA)

4. Give the crowd ONE warning to disperse, and 30 seconds to start comply, or force will be used. (they are still only expecting pepperballs at this point, and probably won't comply)

5. Have pepperball gun- but use the UV or fluorescent Dye pepperballs for later ID of perps.

6. Use said pepperball gun as required/needed. Let the crowd "think" they have the upper hand.

7. Have backup officers sneak around if at all possible, and deploy copious amounts of TEAR GAS. If they want to play nice with fireworks, so can police with chemicals...

8. Round up marked idiots with dye and send the rest of the whining people to their homes. Good time to do a mass warrant roundup/illegal check as well, if that is an issue there... Oh, and have the most harda$$ judge preside for all arrested parties, and have the book tossed at the idiots.

9. The year thereafter - peaceful.. hopefully.. the memories of the tough man on the block crying like a little baby... well...
Blade Runner said:
To hell with hoses....Put the stacked tips on the deck gun and blast away!!!

Nice :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

mcpd2025 said:
There's your problem right there.... This is why I am so adament about my dislike towards social programs. These people are acting like animals, have nothing productive to add to society and are finding new ways to be leaches to society. Let the whole place burn down and start over...

Right on... act like an animal, you're going to get treated like one.
mcpd2025 said:
There's your problem right there.... This is why I am so adament about my dislike towards social programs. These people are acting like animals, have nothing productive to add to society and are finding new ways to be leaches to society. Let the whole place burn down and start over...
You beat me to it! I miss NOTHING about working for the CMHA.
It should be physically impossible to attack a fire truck, what with the gph and pressure they can put through a nozzle, but I haven't met a Chief who isn't afraid of winding up on TV looking like some redneck racist thug who just blew a bunch of Freedom Marchers off a Mississippi bridge in 1963, so instead the cops have to go hands-on and dynamic, some kid will get their eye shot out with a pepperball that bounced into the next, non-rioting block, and bingo, fresh rioting.

Europeans use water cannons on a routine basis. I can't even get a truck to turn on a fog nozzle during a late fall block party just to make the drunks cold, miserable and want to get off the street.
remote deck guns are a great thing if they have them,everyone sits in the truck with the remote,even better if they are able to pump and roll
Stendec said:
It should be physically impossible to attack a fire truck, what with the gph and pressure they can put through a nozzle, but I haven't met a Chief who isn't afraid of winding up on TV looking like some redneck racist thug who just blew a bunch of Freedom Marchers off a Mississippi bridge in 1963, so instead the cops have to go hands-on and dynamic, some kid will get their eye shot out with a pepperball that bounced into the next, non-rioting block, and bingo, fresh rioting.

Europeans use water cannons on a routine basis. I can't even get a truck to turn on a fog nozzle during a late fall block party just to make the drunks cold, miserable and want to get off the street.

Exactly. Something that I have done in the past when we would have larger disturbances is line up about 10 cruisers with the hi-lo siren tone and slowly advance on the crowd. That tone is loud and very annoying and has always worked to push our crowds back. Then again, our crowds have had enough sense not throw things at police or cars... so far.
unlisted said:
I got an idea for the police next year:

1. Have a "marketing campaign" in local papers, and posted signage weeks before 4th of July stating ALL fireworks and possession/use is illegal- and will be met with necessary force.

2. Post 2 tactical officers per fire truck, or have one car respond per truck.

3. Supply said tactical officers with full gas mask. (notify all firefighters to respond full PPE/SCBA)

4. Give the crowd ONE warning to disperse, and 30 seconds to start comply, or force will be used. (they are still only expecting pepperballs at this point, and probably won't comply)

5. Have pepperball gun- but use the UV or fluorescent Dye pepperballs for later ID of perps.

6. Use said pepperball gun as required/needed. Let the crowd "think" they have the upper hand.

7. Have backup officers sneak around if at all possible, and deploy copious amounts of TEAR GAS. If they want to play nice with fireworks, so can police with chemicals...

8. Round up marked idiots with dye and send the rest of the whining people to their homes. Good time to do a mass warrant roundup/illegal check as well, if that is an issue there... Oh, and have the most harda$$ judge preside for all arrested parties, and have the book tossed at the idiots.

9. The year thereafter - peaceful.. hopefully.. the memories of the tough man on the block crying like a little baby... well...

I like #8, start that at about 5 a.m. July 5th, with search warrants and "accidentally" drop a few concussion grenades that are getting older. While that is going on, check every vehicle there for expired tags, unpaid tickets and tow such vehicles while the officers are there.
I would of started pumping bean bag rounds into the crowd to see if they liked how the sparkly fireworks looked after getting shot with a less than lethal round :lol:
Station 3 said:
I would of started pumping bean bag rounds into the crowd to see if they liked how the sparkly fireworks looked after getting shot with a less than lethal round :lol:

Or have a barricade line of officers with bean-bag shotguns walk down the street and all of them fire a round every 8 seconds.......at the same time :twisted: .
I've come up with a better "scenerio."

It would be too bad if a bomb threat was called in about 5 a.m. July 5th, of course there would have to be a complete evacuation and it would be too bad if someone accidentally brought the drug dogs instead of the bomb dogs during the search for the explosives, of course, every vehicle there would have to be searched also for explosives..........

Just sayin'.............

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