I just got done converting what was left of a 4 strobe / 3 rotator MX to an 8 strobe bar.
The bar has 8 upper strobes, empty center section (at the moment), 2 TD's, alleys, sweeps & flashers.
I have about 6 more bars just like this one (4 strobe, 3 rotator) & could either:
A - Leave it as an 8 strobe, put in a center rotator & be done with it.
B - Add another 4 head P/S to the center & put 4 more strobes in it.
I like the idea of 4 more LOWER deck linear strobes (which I have) so there are strobes pretty much everywhere AND it saves me a wire I believe. & I could let them just 'go crazy'.
OR add 2 lower deck strobes someplace (I was thinking in place of the sweeps) & a front & rear / center for a total of 10 in the upper level. But then I would have to mess around with splicing into the front/rear cutoff wire(s).
The bar has 8 upper strobes, empty center section (at the moment), 2 TD's, alleys, sweeps & flashers.
I have about 6 more bars just like this one (4 strobe, 3 rotator) & could either:
A - Leave it as an 8 strobe, put in a center rotator & be done with it.
B - Add another 4 head P/S to the center & put 4 more strobes in it.
I like the idea of 4 more LOWER deck linear strobes (which I have) so there are strobes pretty much everywhere AND it saves me a wire I believe. & I could let them just 'go crazy'.
OR add 2 lower deck strobes someplace (I was thinking in place of the sweeps) & a front & rear / center for a total of 10 in the upper level. But then I would have to mess around with splicing into the front/rear cutoff wire(s).