Accessing sync patterns on the Liberty

Jordan C.

Junior Member
Jun 12, 2010
My cousin just got a new Liberty SX on his patrol car. He wants to change-up the patterns a bit and I remembered that there is a way to access a whole new set of synchronized patterns through the personality module, I believe, but I do not remember for the life of me how to do that. Any help would be much appreicated.
HPD84 said:
pm sent :lol:

Why not just post it? I had the same question a while back, knew it had been answered before, but couldn't find it searching. So, I gave up and forgot about it.
Here it is thanks to TXFIRE:

"What you need to do is take it apart and you will see a 3 hole AMP plug with 2 wires in it for the traffic director controls...I think a white/green & white/yellow maybe?? Anyways....take a wire and put a pin on it and plug it into that 3rd position, which should be blank...and run that to a power lead. I ran it to rear flash power, blue I think on the control harness...that way as soon as it is switched on, you're ready to go. And get ready for a WHOLE new set of patterns....and there is some nice ones."

And to scroll through the patterns just use the Scanlock wire. If you set this up right, you could actually be able to have the regular patterns for one mode of a pursuit switch and the "hidden" patterns for an overide mode.
I'll have my lenses off my Liberty SX soon to have them buffed/polished, so while I'm at it, I might give this a try. If so, I'll come back and update.
I'll have to deny that request. Not out of laziness, but due to the fact I don't have a camera with a fast enough frames per second rating that would capture the patterns. It would look like crap and wouldn't do you guys any justice.

Considering it may be a bit before the lens cleaning happens, I'll ask around to a couple of my tech buddies, see if they have a video camera able to record it. Will update when I find something out.
I have my Liberty setup this way and I personally think it really improves the appearance/output of the bar. Just a couple of notes.

1. If you have a head or two set to steady burn they will remain steady even if you activate the sync. :mrgreen:

2. If you have halogen TD or alley they will attempt to flash in the new sync pattern when the flash mode is active. I have 500 series halogen TD's and they look pretty stupid trying to do comet flash.....time to upgrade to LED.

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