Another Minitor V question..


New Member
May 24, 2010
Toledo, OH
To the tech people out there... I have seen many a Mintor V's out there with different tones to alert other than the standard beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep there is other types of tones.

My question is can the standard tone be changed easily or does it have to go through a program to change it? I didn't know if they were stored on the pager like cell phone ringers or what.

They are stored on the pager, but you need to use the programs to asign them... I have 4 different ones in my M5...
Where can you get the program and cord? Easy to use? Simple to program?
It's pretty easy... I'm not sure where to get the program and the box... We programs all our own stuff in my ambulance company...
There are about 8 different tones, I can email them to you in mp3 format.

There's a guy named Andrew on here that sells the programming kits. Do a search, you'll find them/him. I recommend him.
Pimp said:
There are about 8 different tones, I can email them to you in mp3 format.

There's a guy named Andrew on here that sells the programming kits. Do a search, you'll find them/him. I recommend him.

I thought there was someone, just couldn't remember who.
Programming cradles and cords are pricy.... :-\ Program takes some fiddling to get used to, but not too bad.

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