Bar is Dead


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New Member
May 23, 2010
I have been trying to help out a fellow FF who purchased a LED Outfitters lightbar just over a year ago and it is now DOA. It was working and then it just quit. :eek:

He tried to get ahold of LED Outfitters as according to his documentation, the bar is still under warranty (5 years) but, as with so many others on here, no response is received. (Again :eek: )

There appears to be moisture inside the LED heads themselves which I seem to think should not be there. (Note sarcasm here.) :p

I know many have made complaints about this particular company on here but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck in getting a response out of this company and if anyone has fixed one of these bars, (if they are fixable), is there a common denominator which seems to fail or cause a bad boards, corrosion problems, etc. :?:

I have been reluctant to open the bar in the event LED Outfitters does respond only to have them say the warranty is void because someone other than them worked on it.

Any thoughts, suggestions? :?:

OH, and before you flame on at me, I did not buy this bar, I own Whelen bar's, thank you very well as Code 3, Federal Signal, 911EP and even some Unity lights and a couple Smith and Wesson' LED Outfitters. :!: :ugeek:
There is no luck to the equation...for a short period of time the owner (mike, or whatever they call him now) ran a clean business. He disappeared again from here and once again his service (and products) have gone to crap.

Tell your friend to continue trying to call...maybe Mike will show up here strung up on some happy pills for a month or two and you can catch him in a good enough mood to replace your product...bad luck my friend.
Don't hold your breath... Mike K's customer service rates right down there with something my dog left in the yard this morning. :|

Tell your bud to cut his losses and buy a real LB. While it might cost some money, it'll save from a headache and gray hair in the end. ;)

Or, his only possible fix might be to open the bar and see if it's the heads or the flasher. If it's the flasher, buy a replacement, like a ULF44. If it's the heads, he's still SOL. :?
ledguy said:
I'm Sorry your "buddy" is having issues with his bar. You can Pm me his order number and I'll be happy to get this fixed. I wont hold my breath though as I highly doubt he has an order number or actually ordered the lightbar through me. Again, if he has, I have no problem getting it fixed. Your post is very clever in the way you typed it up. Anyone familiar with SEO will know what I mean. :roll:

KineelsonFire- Just because I haven't had the time to post on the new board doesn't mean I disappeared. I'll have more time to devote this coming fall. I have a few things which I think people will be jumping all over. Do you guys remember the "LINEAR LED DASH LIGHT FOR $35"? ;)

RYAN- I wont waste my breath on you. Go clean what your dog left behind with a pooper scooper.

Thats the kind of customer service I appreciate, a timely sarcastic reply that managed to call the OP a liar, and tell a respected LEO to go clean up $hit. I for one am taking notes :roll:
usdemt said:
Thats the kind of customer service I appreciate, a timely sarcastic reply that managed to call the OP a liar, and tell a respected LEO to go clean up $hit. I for one am taking notes :roll:

Exactly Robb. Nothing but a lot of hot air....

Like here: ... elightbars

Wonder if that problem ever got fixed? Timeline on the 'repair' was blown, but that's nothing new.
Make sure you get deliverey confirmation and insurance if you send ledguy your lightbar. He had me return two pairs of knockoff tir 6's I bought from him after they stopped working, stated they never arrived and wouldn't refund my money. He's a dick and a liar and everyone should avoid him at all costs.
I really hate China Junk. With that said I think if a person buys a LED Dashlight from ledguy for $35 he should expect it to break and not last. Theres a reason its so cheap. I tell ppl I would rather have one Tomar 200S dashlight then 10 ledguy china lights. When you have more money you can always add, at least when you are responding to a Cardiac Arrest your lights will turn on and work.
VolEms said:
I really hate China Junk. With that said I think if a person buys a LED Dashlight from ledguy for $35 he should expect it to break and not last. Theres a reason its so cheap. I tell ppl I would rather have one Tomar 200S dashlight then 10 ledguy china lights. When you have more money you can always add, at least when you are responding to a Cardiac Arrest your lights will turn on and work.

My HAW leds that I got (from a member here on the board, who got them from "Mike") worked for about 5 mins. THEN I wasnt able to change the patterns. ALL FOUR flashers are fried, and as a result, all for lightheads have different patterns. And, if you look here ... elightbars you'll see me asking him for an address to send the defective products to.... Still waiting..

And not holding my breath, either.
Ok, number 1 I call bull shit. You did NOT send me your address, and if you "did" you should provide proof that you did.

We have all herd the saying "1 bad apple spoils the whole bunch."

That applies to business dealings as well. All it takes is one customer to say that your stuff is junk to really mess it up... But we keep telling people that STL is junk and they keep buying it.. :roll:
If you want real LED lights that will last not China Garbage Id be happy to sell you Tomar products at a good price. I am a Tomar dealer. Its amazing how ppl never learn . If the price is too good to be true it is junk, of course you can get a bargain in ELB somtimes. A 8 Head lightstick for $50 new is not going to last. Im just thankful that the Chinease market hasnt reached the PD PPV market or Ambulance market in NY metro area. Support the USA not slave labor in China.

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