I recently acquired a 175 fixer-upper with this crazed/glazed dome which I've never seen before. It's only in the interior and I thought initially that it was due to rubbing of the bulbs as maybe the base had not been properly fitted to the skirt, however, it doesn't appear that anything "etched" it. I've tried some non-invasive cleaning techniques with no success and am reluctant to take anything abrasive to it for fear of scratching the glass. Any suggestions?
[Broken External Image]:http://s523.photobucket.com/albums/w357/Starstreams58/DSC_0024.jpg[Broken External Image]:http://s523.photobucket.com/albums/w357/Starstreams58/DSC_0023.jpg
[Broken External Image]:http://s523.photobucket.com/albums/w357/Starstreams58/DSC_0024.jpg[Broken External Image]:http://s523.photobucket.com/albums/w357/Starstreams58/DSC_0023.jpg