Brightest possible LED grille lights?


Sep 22, 2010
New Jersey

I'm looking for some help from some people who see a lot of products come and go with some hands on experience. I'm looking for a pair of the brightest possible LED grille lights I can get. The only real requirement is that they have to be blue. Right now, I've currently got a set of Axixtech XL06's in the grille and they're bright, but I don't think I get the forward punch that I've seen from some other lights.

I'm thinking about a set of Whelen M series surface mount lights, what do you think?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

They're going behind the grille of a 2009 Toyota Corolla.

I know what you mean Pimp, I'm just looking for a little feedback... Not a brand war. :D

unlisted said:
If $$ is not an concern- Tomar RECT 25 or 200s HIGH power.
Hmmm, any idea where I can get these? I did a quick check but I couldn't find "High Power" models anywhere.


occram said:
They're going behind the grille of a 2009 Toyota Corolla.

I know what you mean Pimp, I'm just looking for a little feedback... Not a brand war. :D


For behind the grill, go with anything that has TIR optics, no need for linear optics as the wider beamwidth will be lost to the grill.

My recommendation (if you like the XL06s) is to check out the Axixtech SE4. About the same size as the XL06 with 4, 3 Watt LEDs with large TIR optics.
Any modern LED from a major company will be plenty bright. Make your decision based on the size/fit and price.
JohnMarcson said:
Any modern LED from a major company will be plenty bright. Make your decision based on the size/fit and price.

Yea but the Luminator LED's from sho me far out power everything else with 3 leds!
HFD eng1ine said:
bright but not the brightest, i would go with the soundoof if everyones saying they are so amazing

People get all geeked about things, but the difference is in lense/optics and shape. Other than that it's all very similar. Every month or so a new item comes out that is supposidly super bright. The bottom line is any major manufacture's LED that fit and have the optics you want will be plenty bright.
JohnMarcson said:
People get all geeked about things, but the difference is in lense/optics and shape. Other than that it's all very similar. Every month or so a new item comes out that is supposidly super bright. The bottom line is any major manufacture's LED that fit and have the optics you want will be plenty bright.

Yup i agree John, its not worth all the work looking for the brightest, in general,everything from the major manufactures is mostly the same in brightness
If you want the brightest possible setup, simply go with the largest size heads that will fit and set them up well. Resist the urge to use split heads, it takes most of the punch away, the look like they are flickering. Use a slowish pattern and flash like colors together. The key to a good setup isn't what brand, it's how you set it up. I bet I could take the same lights and flash them on super fast split mode and then on a slower solid alternating pattern and convince you the solid pattern is different/better lights.
If you hate geeky information, I apologize in advance.

I'll start out by saying this. I really am not partial to any one brand in particular. In fact, I can find products by almost all major distributors that I really like. However! Whelen lightheads always seemed so much brighter to me for some reason and I know why now. They're a lighter shade of blue, almost into the green spectrum. I used to despise the light blue color of Whelen stuff, but I think now I've grown fond of it. Here's why...

Light is most easily seen by the human eye closest to the green spectrum. Here's a excerpt from the Wikipedia article "Green";

"The sensitivity of the dark-adapted human eye is greatest at about 507 nm, a bluish-green color, while the light-adapted eye is most sensitive about 555 nm, a yellowish-green color."

Maybe this has been said 100 times over on this forum, but I'm new here so please forgive me.

Also, your information has jogged my memory. When I initially bought the XL06's, which have linear optics, the plan was to mount them on the outside of the grille. However, my grill is slanted slightly upward so when they were mounted flush, they were shooting into the trees. So, I made a custom bracket in front of my radiator and mounted them level behind the grille. I completely forgot that they were linear optics. So, whatever I buy now will be TIR optics for behind the grille... Thanks for the information!!!

I've said this before, and others have pointed it out here as well: "what is the brightest?" is a pretty pointless question to be asking. Technology has gotten to a point where we have some lights that are too bright.

The question you should be asking is "what is bright enough for my needs?"

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