Brown, Collins, Johanns, Murkowski Declare war on VFFs


May 21, 2010
CENARK ... side-a4981

Brown, Collins, Johanns, Murkowski, Snowe Side with Unions, Declare War on Volunteer Firefighters
From Brian M Johnson on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 9:25 AM

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) slipped an amendment into the Senate Supplemental appropriations bill that will force states to collectively bargain with public safety employees--police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel. States would be forced to permit bargaining over wages, hours, and all terms and conditions of employment.

This amendment, exactly like a bill offered by Sen. Gregg (R-NH) supported by Sens. Brown (R-Mass.), Collins (R-Maine), Johanns (R-Neb.), Murkowski (R-Alaska), and Snowe (R-Maine) would end local control and flexibility by forcing the minority that has chosen not to collectively bargain to do so. Some states do not allow collective bargaining – this amendment violates a clear federalist divide.

“Collective bargaining is nothing more than a vehicle used by the union-bosses to hold state budgets hostage. And worst of all, it is now being forced upon the states by an overbearing federal government pandering to union contributors,” said AWF Executive Director Brian Johnson. “As evident from the recent bankruptcy filing by Vallejo, CA because they could not afford the public safety union workers salaries which made up 74 percent of the city budget – everyone loses.”

Additionally, this amendment will may deter or even eliminate volunteer firefighting. Firefighters unions vehemently oppose volunteer firefighters because they reduce the need for paid firefighters. They levy stiff internal fines against unionized firefighters who volunteer off-duty. By requiring all states and localities to collectively bargain, this amendment would make it easier for unions to crack down on volunteer firefighting.

Nationally, there are approximately 1.1 million firefighters, of that, 830,000 are volunteers. “That’s 72 percent of all firefighters who could be negatively affected or eliminated because these Senators want to give a kick-back to their union friends,” added Johnson.
With what money?

tcfd823 said:
“That’s 72 percent of all firefighters who could be negatively affected or eliminated because these Senators want to give a kick-back to their union friends,” added Johnson.

That roughly translates to a 257% increase in spending on wages alone, not to mention:

  • the cost health insurance and other benefits that union members enjoy
    the cost of constructing new sleeping quarters at currently volunteer fire houses
    the cost of maintaining, heating and cooling, and lighting said new sleeping quarters
    the cost of increased use of utilities heat and light at currently volunteer fire houses
    the cost of administrative staff needed to oversee taxes, payroll, human resources, etc.
    and so on...

There is no way a rural municipality of say 50 square miles with say 100 calls per year could ever afford to pay to staff even a 3-man engine 24/7/365.

Let's say one firefighter makes $20/hr. For simplicity's sake let's ignore benefits and overtime pay. Working 24 hours on and 48 hours off, that means he would work 122 days per year. That's 2,928 hours per year on the clock. That translates to $58,560 per firefighter per year.

If he works only every third day, then two more firefighters are needed to fill that one seat year round. That means that each seat on that engine costs $175,680 per year. Remember though that they want a 3-man engine. That means that manning three seats on that 3-man engine costs $572,040 per year.

Now let's factor in overtime. Instead of 2,928 hours of pay, let's say one firefighter actually makes 2,080 regular hours plus 848 hours of time-and-a-half. That translates into the equivalent of 3,352 hours at $20/hr, or $67,040 per firefighter per year.

If he works only every third day, then two more firefighters are needed to fill that one seat year round. That means that each seat on that engine costs $201,120 per year. Remember though that they want a 3-man engine. That means that manning three seats on that 3-man engine costs $603,360 per year.

Now let's factor in benefits. For simplicity's sake, let's say that each firefighter gets the equivalent of $20/hr in benefits because his union is powerful. That means that each firefighter costs $125,600 per year.

If he works only every third day, then two more firefighters are needed to fill that one seat year round. That means that each seat on that engine costs $376,800 per year. Remember though that they want a 3-man engine. That means that manning three seats on that 3-man engine costs $1,130,400 per year.

That's right. At $20/hr working 24/48's and a fair benefits package, it would cost over 1.1 million dollars to staff a 3-man engine for one calendar year.

I say again: with what money?
This will die a painful death.... Either that or they will be hunted by untold amounts of persons who this would directly affect.
I'll if you go to a different op-ed PAC site, you'll get an exact opposite response. This identical issue bubbles to the surface every couple years with part-time/reserve/auxiliary/volunteer cops and deputy sheriffs and goes precisely nowhere. And FF unions oppose volunteers? Cop unions hardly ever squeal about non-full-timers and hobbycops anymore, having figured out that there is plenty of overtime and special duty to go around, and the idea of a day off every once in awhile sounds good. And the guys pulling down high 5 figures aren't about to leave their departments to go chase cows off the road for the Lake Septicemia County Sheriff's Office at minimum wage and a nickle an hour shift differential for 3rd shift.

I'm not really "pro-union," but without them a lot of cops would be working without extravagances like life insurance and body armor.
sorry i do not see this dept gets 200 calls per year, if we are "lucky". We have <30 square miles of way we will have a paid will become a public safety dept before paid ffs come in...
Rofocowboy84 said:
Once again, the federal government is FORCING the states to do something......NOT HOW IT WORKS YOU F*CKTARDS!

Calm down old boy. It hasn't passed, and even if the extremely remote chance that it did the courts would kill it.
Everyone needs to find their state senator's phone number's and blow up the lines with our opposition to this amendment. That is the ONLY way that we're going to overcome this.

For all of you people who say, " Oh, it'll never happen..." Well, let's consider this. We said the same thing about the Healthcare Issue. We said the same thing about Mexican Trucks being allowed to travel on U.S. Roadways...We said Obama would never get elected...we said the same thing about even a few states legalizing marijuana, illegal immigrants getting drivers' licenses, our Budget Crisis and so called Stimulus Packages, and even our Federal Government's handling of the War in the Middle East.

Well folks, all this sitting by and letting things happen, and you see where we're at. It's time to make a stand, before we're all just S.O.L. and end up with a Socialist Regime in command. We cannot allow the passing of dirty money from Unions into Political Campaign Funds, put an end to life as we know it, and further burden our already shrinking budgets.

Stop and think for a second- We cannot afford school teachers and new schools and road maintanence and needed equipment for our existing departments....How in the HELL are we supposed to fund even more paid departments, especially Unionized, Do As I Say Or Else departments? It's a money issue. The Unions pass money to the Senate, and the Senate closes the market, and allows the Unions to collect more dues, and set higher salaries, in turn generating more funds for the Senate.

Let's stop this nonsense in it's track. Act on your instincts. Do what is right. Do NOT let this happen...As a single UNIT... A BROTHERHOOD OF FIREFIGHTERS AND EMERGENCY SERVICES PROVIDERS, we CAN make this go away. It just takes unification, and action. If this whole thing just doesn't piss you off, I dont know what would.
Well everyone can say thank you to the IAFF for this coming to a vote. They are just perfect for cutting their own throats.

I've done my part and wrote my letters. It's only going to get worse as the dems feel that their time is coming to a quick end and they will try to push whatever they can in the middle of the night vote sessions.

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