CANCTL5 with CencomCore


Jan 3, 2020
York. PA
Can a CANCTL5 hand held controller from a HHS4200 be used with a CencomCore (Wecanx)?

My fire company recently replaced one of our utility trucks replaced, and we had the "upfitter" put a LibertyII trio (RWA) bar on it. The upfitter really only got into doing vehicle upfits in the last 5 years, and was only doing mobile radio installs before.

They installed a HHS4200, CANCTL5 handheld controller, and a CCP to control the lightbar. unable to do button wrapping through with the lightbar being connected to the CCP, controlled by outputs from the HHS4200, so we are limited at getting full functionality out of the lightbar.
If we were to purchase a C399, could the Canctl5 that we have be used with it?
Yes, that controller will work with Core. It will just have limited functionality compared to a WCX controller. It’s pretty much the same, but you wont have the ability to flash the buttons like you would on a Core Controller. For future reference, if you ever have a question if certain devices will work with a certain Cencom like Core, or Carbide, Etc.. Open up Command, and start the program, if you can add the hardware, it will work.
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Yes, that controller will work with Core. It will just have limited functionality compared to a WCX controller. It’s pretty much the same, but you wont have the ability to flash the buttons like you would on a Core Controller. For future reference, if you ever have a question if certain devices will work with a certain Cencom like Core, or Carbide, Etc.. Open up Command, and start the program, if you can add the hardware, it will work.
Thank you!
Did not realize that you could select non-WCX controlheads in command when adding them to hardware on a core setup

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