Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

I mildly resent that
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I never had a mullet, but my hair did get long in general. The car works well with a beard though.
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-3 this morning.... where is my golfing weather!
ice fell monday. i was out in the county helping with the squad in tree removal. I come back into town slid down a iced over 5 lane hill and hit a sidewalk... yeah for volunteering and damaging vehicles. 

i severely dented my front passenger rim, the alignment is off by 1/8th of the steering wheel. im having to hold it at 2 oclock for it to go straight.

rim was fairly cheep at a junkyard. my other back rim is dented but i can probably hit it with a hammer its just the "lip"

tire was still good so flat repair at the "mart" with road hazard coverage. I got an appointment tommorow (on my bday) to get the front end checked.

Monday morning i was talking on the radio at the house with another HAM when i hear a large boom hit the roof. go outside and a foot in diameter limb fell off a tree in the yard and hit the roof. 2 parts of that limb are now wedged into my roof. so thats the landlords problem.

Got to wait for all the ice to melt, and the roof to dry off so i can get on it and put the coax for the tv antenna back on where it fell off to...

Monday night after having my road mishap i tried to climb the hill i live on.  i got half way up the hill before sliding down. so i try it from the top. I didnt really see that there was a car in my ditch from the bottom but isaw it from the top. blocking my driveway, couldnt go home so i stayed a friends house.

Today i am playing the LT at work. "theoretically" I'll get  more pay today. and i get an hour for lunch....   :woohoo:

Huh?  Here's the answer:
The boob thread in the ring has had its title changed to reflect the loss of it's crazed crown.
Ive said it before and Ill say it again: the two cant be compared. A small fraction of the site have access to the "ring", where anyone/everyone posts in here. Apples to oranges. The longest threads title should be restored, as it was the fore runner to this blasphemous monstrosity
I'd say "today is my Friday", but we all know how Butt-Hurt Dave will get...  lol  SO I'll just say that this is my final 8 for the work week...  lol  I was goinf to work on the Flat-Top and get the mags on it that I got in today, but this shitty snow put the kibosh on that...  lol

And to to tie into Daves "argument" that the two cant be compared because one is in The Ring and one is in the "Public Areas", that also is mostly invalid...  It was only recently that the format changed where you needed a paid subscription to view/access The Ring... But what do I know, I'm just a dispatcher, and I don't really care if people think my "argument" id invalid or not...  lol
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Well yesterday at work I was driving the engine, our platform needed to go out on a mutual aid and jumped in the back seat. 1 ofc, 2 EOs and myself.

That was the first time I was in a platform. My old dept just had quints, and relied on mutual aid for the next city's 105'er
Ive said it before and Ill say it again: the two cant be compared. A small fraction of the site have access to the "ring", where anyone/everyone posts in here. Apples to oranges. The longest threads title should be restored, as it was the fore runner to this blasphemous monstrosity
The title of longest thread simply refers to the which thread is longest, that means the thread with the most replies.  That is this thread.  It does not imply or infer any validity to that label, nor the factors by which the thread reached that status. 

You are correct, the two threads are apples and oranges. One is public, the other restricted to paid members.  One requires posts be clean, the other is "R rated".  One is a promotion, the other an anti-social phenomenon.  I agree they can't be compared.  I'm not comparing them; you are the one comparing them :D .  I am simply labeling which is longer based on observation of an easily defined factor, reply count. 

Again, the only thing the title refers to is the number of replies.  So, lets do the math 5581 > 5573
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mom texted me earlier, "it wasnt this cold 35 years ago when you were born" temps this morning are in the negatives

I was born in the blizzard of 80 lol 

we are 30 degrees below average... damn climate change :crazy:
I cant believe nobody has or can get a damn mini justice dome for me! No hits in my wanted ad, no luck via PMs, nodda!
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The title of longest thread simply refers to the which thread is longest, that means the thread with the most replies. That is this thread. It does not imply or infer any validity to that label, nor the factors by which the thread reached that status.

You are correct, the two threads are apples and oranges. One is public, the other restricted to paid members. One requires posts be clean, the other is "R rated". One is a promotion, the other an anti-social phenomenon. I agree they can't be compared. I'm not comparing them; you are the one comparing them :D . I am simply labeling which is longer based on observation of an easily defined factor, reply count.

Again, the only thing the title refers to is the number of replies. So, lets do the math 5581 > 5573

Bullocks!!! Bullocks I say!!!

I compare nothing!!! Question everything!!! Where's my tin-foil hat??? Blagggghhhhh

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Sorry, I used your foil hat to wrap up some leftovers because I was out. I'll make you a new one when I feel like getting around to it, so I think you can figure out the time frame based on that statement.
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My offer stands for the white and amber ones I have. Find me some red ones and they're yours
I sourced some CON3 for it, its the dome and amber corners that Im not finding anywhere. Its driving me insane, by the time I get the bar built, winter will be over
I haven't found ANY corners, and after buying them I wouldn't be able to afford that.

I threw some mags I got from Chief with my justice on one of my custom 22" Turbo Beams, to get me by. My favorite halogen bar ever, made better with fast FireHawk rotators and 100W H1 bulbs!
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What about modding liberty corners? Get the ones with first gen leds and its a lot cheaper to convert
I would have to heavily modify Libby corners for a mini justice frame
I already have two corners for the bar, I really just want the other two. The dome is the more important part, its all useless without the dome
Woke up this morning (0515) at is was -4...  Currently (0730) its -9...  Shall be a lovely day...  lol  At least the sun is out to trick you into thinking its nice out...  lol
another snow/ice storm expected today.

tommorow it will be in the 40's and raining all day.

ill have to shell out almost $400 to get my car out of the shop today. lower strut support and and cv axle, plus alignment... guy asked me how to i get it there, i said drove it why, he showed where the CV boot was ripped and the axle wasnt in the hub...   (so there goes my savings)

Got a region 3 TARS meeting im looking forward to going to tommorow. I'm going to the SONAR ops class before it starts cause its free.  
Ugh. Been so busy around here. Sorry guys. In light of the Daytona 500. Who here is a nascar fan?
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