well I was heading to finish weed eating at the yard I mowed yesterday when I see 10 of these heading towards town...
I head back towards town and see one at our main intersection...
I looked at him he looked at me and I looked in my rearview to see him turning around LOL..
I went ahead pulled over... he rides up to my window and says, "im glad you stopped", I said yes sir I know you got me for not wearing my seatbelt..
he asks me if my License is good and I said yes sir just renewed it 2 months ago. he asks for registration but not insurance...
he sees my military ID asked me where I had been stationed at then asked me if I was a realtor.. I said no sir why would you ask that? he said you have a dept of commerce and insurance id in your wallet.. I said yes sir that's my security license, I said barbers and engineers have to have them as well... he said ohhh I didn't know that.
he asked me about the lighting in my truck if it was blue (all led all amber) because he saw my havis console and my HT I advised him I was a rescue squad member and volunteered with ema...
he said "well I just thought Id let you know we have 10 officers in town for the next few days checking for seatbelts and to make sure to wear yours....
I said yes sir have a good day, and he road off..... first time ever being pulled over by THP and not getting a ticket.