Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

on for another 24, started at 0900. midday coming out of the ambulance my foot slipped and i royally cracked my head on the door frame, which epically pi#%ed off my neck (i have neck problems) thus lending to a migraine. fml
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I got a job with another company driving a 2012 T800 that I'm starting next week.
We have 2014, 2015 and just got 6 2016's with more coming in 6 months.
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my boss must have lost his damn mind, I looked at next week's schedule, im doing 8 hours on 2nd shift with an 8 hour turnaround to do a 12 hour shift... which means ill get 4 hours of sleep inbetween... they really need to hire us some fucking help...

its bad enough I a 3rd shift yesterday and im doing a 1st shift today   

whats a "sleep pattern."
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describe "this"
I've won, technically, but I have yet to claim my FEVER membership.
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I've won as well...  I believe I was the first winner...

Checking in for 12...  

Went to get the mowers fired up and get some yard mowed...  Well, Both the push mower and the rider mower fired right up...  Sadly, the rider had 2 flat front tires, so it remains in the shed...  Had to run to my dads place before work to grab a small compressor so I can pump the tires up tomorrow, get it out of the shed, get the new belt on it and hopefully mow...
Had to run to my dads place before work to grab a small compressor so I can pump the tires up tomorrow, get it out of the shed, get the new belt on it and hopefully mow...
tire slime, been holding my tires up for 4 years.

belts can be easy or pains in the ass depending on the mower brand...

ive already had to do a belt swap this year and it took a minute.... but it was the blade drive to motor belt...

blade belt takes longer cause you have to take the deck off which takes about 4 minutes, un do some bolts around one of the pulleys to take a cover off it. put the new belt on and pull the heck out of a spring with a pulley on it to retighten... then reverse the process of putting it back together and remounting to mower. about 20 minutes in total

went and watched avengers age of ultron last night. overall it was a good movie.

working second shift today so ive slept about 13 hours before coming in today... :woot:
This is still a thing?


Tomorrows Headlines: "Never Ending Contest Comes To End!"
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Hmmm...I'm to tired to even care what that might mean.
Checking in for my final 8 of the week...  

Went out to the shed to fill the tires on the mower and, nothing...  Tires must be shot cause they wouldn't even hold any air...  So I had to run over to Dads and get a trailer and one of his spare riders so I can get mowing my jungle/hay field...  Luckily dad has about 4-5 riding mowers (ranging from functional to semi functional to non-functional) that I can thief a pair of tires off of...  lol  

Hopefully I can get out to the movies and see the new Avenger's movie this weekend...  THe first one is on FX tonight so it'll be a good pre-gaming for the new one...  lol  

I'm anxiously awaiting some lights to come in too...  (2 Whelen L32s:  1 amber, 1 blue, both NOS)  

I'll probably start taking some of the things I have packed up over my parents this weekend too since we're down to less than a month for the closing on the house...  
about to start my weekend from hell...

because my boss apparently refuses to give me a set day off, ive now lost 2 yards mowing payments this week, "cause we want our yard to look good for mother's day"

also corporate seems to be refusing to pay me the gas money they promised me (and I believe are legally required to give me) for traveling 50 miles to another site to work a shift
mowed 3 yards, tried to get a load of laundry done and now at work waiting for 10, so I can do my 8 hour turnaround to a 12 hour day......................................................................................................................................................................
Back to the grind...  Checking in for 8...  

I think I got my lawn mower back to 100%...  lol  Dad took the wheels off the front and got them pumped up with his compressor (250 Gal tank with a 10HP motor).  I guess the little ones I was trying to pump them up with didn't have the fortitude to get it done...  lol  I replaced the PTO belt, only to find the belt on the deck was a bit stretched and the tension pulley was seized...  So I replaced the belt and un-seized the pulley...  Everything appears to be working as it should...  I'll probably find out tomorrow, I'm gonna try and mow the lawn again before work...  And while I had the deck off, I gave it a quick cleaning to get all the grass gunk off the inside of it...  

Now I gotta get packing more stuff...  Uhg I HATE moving...  lol
Worked the Northern Invasion rock concerts all day yesterday. Got to meet Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless) and the guys of In This Moment in between medicals. Got one hell of a sunburn, too. Back to dispatch in the morning.
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51 minutes to go...
so last night after my long day of work with little sleep, I go home and take an hour nap. check into my weekly ham radio nets and its time to get the GF for her lunchbreak from work...

we decide to go to a local steakhouse to get one of their most excellent salads. I turn into their parking lot and fell something rub my passenger side tires.

we pull 40 feet into the parking space and she opens her door and here that all too familiar hiss of a tire going flat... I tell her to go inside and order ill take care of this lickity split and be in there to eat in a few... well I had the flat tire off in about 4 minutes. then I go to remove all the radio/antenna.rescue/ car repair stuff out of my trunk to get to my spare and proceed to take the spare out. or so I thought.

I turned the "spare tire wing nut" for about 20 turns. I felt the tire getting loose but it never the nut never came off. my arms were getting tired of turning and turning and turning.

the waiter come outside and says "your meal is ready" I looked at him like he was crazy and very sarcastically stated "ohh im sorry im busy trying to fix a flat tire your parking lot gave me"

I tried turning the nut a few more times before realizing the blot isn't turning at all but the plastic cap was spinning like it was a tight bolt...

about this time I see its time for her to go back to work and obviously I wasn't going to be able to take her back to work...

I get on my radio and call another HAM who is about 1.5 miles away from me at his "ham shack" and he says he's enroute with more tools.. I told him I got tools taken care of I need to get her back to work, but I  might need a compressor and some pb blaster or wd 40.

he comes and gets her, takes her back to work and then comes back a few minutes later with a compressor and wd 40. we wait a few minutes to see if the the wd 40 has any affect.

well in the mean time I fill the original tire back up to see where the puncture is... its in the sidewall. looks like something knifed it.

after a few more minutes of waiting for the wd 40 and truing to turn the nut again I figured it was demolition time...

I go to my "go kit" for setting up my military mast antenna system  and grab a 4lb mini sledge...

a couple whacks at the plastic wing nut and it was no longer a barrier to me getting the tire out of the trunk.

rolled it to the front of the car put it on and lowered the car back down. guess what the spare was low, so we aired up the spare with the compressor and viola...

this woulda sucked if I was on the interstate or something with the spare being low.

3 things to learn from this...

check spare tire pressure every so often (spare was last on the ground about a year go)

keep an air compressor in the car (I keep one in the truck)

lube the threads on stupid tire holder....
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Well that sounds like an exciting "lunch break"  lol  

Checking in for 12...  Maybe I'll play with the Flat-Top bars tonight...  Luckily tonight the A/C is working at the center...  Last night it quit about 1930 and it was hot as balls all night...  
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