so last night after my long day of work with little sleep, I go home and take an hour nap. check into my weekly ham radio nets and its time to get the GF for her lunchbreak from work...
we decide to go to a local steakhouse to get one of their most excellent salads. I turn into their parking lot and fell something rub my passenger side tires.
we pull 40 feet into the parking space and she opens her door and here that all too familiar hiss of a tire going flat... I tell her to go inside and order ill take care of this lickity split and be in there to eat in a few... well I had the flat tire off in about 4 minutes. then I go to remove all the radio/antenna.rescue/ car repair stuff out of my trunk to get to my spare and proceed to take the spare out. or so I thought.
I turned the "spare tire wing nut" for about 20 turns. I felt the tire getting loose but it never the nut never came off. my arms were getting tired of turning and turning and turning.
the waiter come outside and says "your meal is ready" I looked at him like he was crazy and very sarcastically stated "ohh im sorry im busy trying to fix a flat tire your parking lot gave me"
I tried turning the nut a few more times before realizing the blot isn't turning at all but the plastic cap was spinning like it was a tight bolt...
about this time I see its time for her to go back to work and obviously I wasn't going to be able to take her back to work...
I get on my radio and call another HAM who is about 1.5 miles away from me at his "ham shack" and he says he's enroute with more tools.. I told him I got tools taken care of I need to get her back to work, but I might need a compressor and some pb blaster or wd 40.
he comes and gets her, takes her back to work and then comes back a few minutes later with a compressor and wd 40. we wait a few minutes to see if the the wd 40 has any affect.
well in the mean time I fill the original tire back up to see where the puncture is... its in the sidewall. looks like something knifed it.
after a few more minutes of waiting for the wd 40 and truing to turn the nut again I figured it was demolition time...
I go to my "go kit" for setting up my military mast antenna system and grab a 4lb mini sledge...
a couple whacks at the plastic wing nut and it was no longer a barrier to me getting the tire out of the trunk.
rolled it to the front of the car put it on and lowered the car back down. guess what the spare was low, so we aired up the spare with the compressor and viola...
this woulda sucked if I was on the interstate or something with the spare being low.
3 things to learn from this...
check spare tire pressure every so often (spare was last on the ground about a year go)
keep an air compressor in the car (I keep one in the truck)
lube the threads on stupid tire holder....