Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

I am watching Top Gear because there is nothing else to do right now. 
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at work. typing
Damn Asians taking away our chat and stuff.
Well I got you all beat. I'm in a tent in the outfield of a minor league baseball team camping with scouts in the middle of what could be classified as a monsoon.
time to go to waffle house
So when is Nic going to go all Oprah on us? You get a t6, you get a t6, everyone gets a t siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!!
Shea right! and monkeys might fly out of our butts!

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FYI...Taking the 175lb St. Bernard swimming with you is a bad idea. Especially after you learn he has no idea how to swim about half way across. 
(Insert witty comment here)
Productive day i think, got a nap, got kicked out of a FB group and am back at work making money. wow what a day.

oh and what the hell happened to chat, the link is gone too. are they taking it away for good? Who got their VAA JAJA all salty and sandy? Gee WHIZ
I am hungry
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Productive day i think, got a nap, got kicked out of a FB group and am back at work making money. wow what a day.

oh and what the hell happened to chat, the link is gone too. are they taking it away for good? Who got their VAA JAJA all salty and sandy? Gee WHIZ
The message at the top of the page literally explains that chat is down for developers to resolve issues.

Its called reading... Top to bottom, left to right. Group words together as a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps.
Or there was a HOT "Fire" that needed to be put out in front of you!!!!! :bonk:

The message at the top of the page literally explains that chat is down for developers to resolve issues.

Its called reading... Top to bottom, left to right. Group words together as a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps.
That's nice.  :bonk:

Why read when i can get you to do it for me. :poke:   :dance:   :celebrate:   :2thumbs:

On a serious note, I figured it was being worked on, but I could have looked at the top. Good Day Sir, :tiphat:

also, I am dyslexic, so I don't always read top to bottom left to right.  :book:
You have a window. And why not, you've been here 15 minutes.
You can put six packs of b.. soda in here...

ANYTHING, that you wanna keep cool.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. It is going to being boring.
Tried...ends up tasting like burnt mud syrup. 

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