Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Ummmmm........ boo.
They should make online shopping more interactive.  Like a wheres waldo puzzle or something just before you hit "pay now".   Its soooo ludicrously easy to spend money, least they can do is make you work for it a bit, lol. 
I threw that out thinking that a prize like free shipping would benefit FeVeR inc as stirring up a sale as opposed to when you are so generous as to give away lights or speakers or other tangibles that cost more than a shipping charge cost... but PA is right, people do muff things up, especially good things......

I figured doing things like that would make it to where I could have more winners.  Unfortunately I can't just completely give away 4200's like he expected. 

I'd rather not have another post in here about someone winning but not being happy so I just chose to not do the deep discounts or free shipping. 
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WOW. I need to spend less time sleeping and more time on ELB. I almost missed some great deals.

If you have not looked around , you would be wise to do so. I found some real bargains on useful products lately.
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Any Pacific item? Lol sorry Stewart.
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been busy today moving furniture, then jumped on the tractor and moved a whole bunch of leaves, where the lawn guys are sucking them up on the mowers then dumping them in lil piles... i made a big pile with the tractor....

didnt much yesterday, slept and did laundry
Been here off and on today. Weather has been total crap since Monday morning.  K9 training cancelled and was bored so I downloaded the news star wars for xbox. 
Xbox? Play Station? Pac-Man? Pong?  You modern kids have it all.

I am still trying to find a way to play solitaire Tic-Tac-Toe, and win. 
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Stress relief chief
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Well I guess it's time to go back to a rotator bar with no more than 2 bulbs. State police are cracking down and that the current law in PA.

(Disclaimer- I am unable to relay my sarcasm or my feelings of how much stupidity is present in this law. Words do not suffice)
I saw that on Facebook today paff. It does look like (from what I read) that it's at least going to be looked at by your state lawmakers to bring the law into the 21st century.
been busy running state cars around, putting up a Christmas tree and helping install  burned out fluorescent lights...

fun day.
Local ambulance company just got a new rig outfitted with Whelen M9s for warning and scene lights.  I've never actually seen M9s in person til tonight...Holy jesus those things are bright.
What's it costing to do that? I could probably make that an option on my site 
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Off today so doing some things to my rig and poking around on ELB here and there. 

Just heard the Jimmy Johns "sir your house is on fire" commercial for the first time on the radio this morning.  I think its hilarious as hell.  We (dispatchers) order from the local one occasionally....I can say with confidence our FD still has a better response time, lol.
I said I wasn't going to do the black friday thing this year.  I might do it on one or two items. Our big sale this year was the birthday celebration. 
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I just took a marker pen and completely eliminated Black Friday and Cyber Monday from the calendars in our home. I may have the electric service cut to the house on those two days to remove any temptation to turn on my computer.
I just took a marker pen and completely eliminated Black Friday and Cyber Monday from the calendars in our home. I may have the electric service cut to the house on those two days to remove any temptation to turn on my computer.
Kind of the situation I'm in this year. Truly can't afford anything this year. :(
busy day, heading home
First two days at the new job = success!

I literally build harnesses and install lights on fire trucks, Its pretty badass.
First two days at the new job = success!

I literally build harnesses and install lights on fire trucks, Its pretty badass.

was wondering how it was going for you. 

I've been busy this week. Trying to find more space to store stuff.  We've added a bunch of product lines to our portfolio and well... we just don't have the room to store them anywhere :(  

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