Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Emt basic is a cake walk. Get good at vitals. Learn how to do a turn over report and above all tell your pt " hi my name is xxxx I'm a firefighter with xxxx, I'm going to ask you some questions and the medics will be here in a minute and ask them all over again"
Oh ive got this, not much different around here then being a certified first responder minus transporting and PCRs. Basics in sc are able to do much. On the Ambo 7 hours left
Oh ive got this, not much different around here then being a certified first responder minus transporting and PCRs. Basics in sc are able to do much. On the Ambo 7 hours left
sheeshus man, aint you ever noticed that the ones that say "i got this" ....clearly dont?!? dahell man?!?

"dude, you sure you wanna balance the barrel of dat shotgun on your nose with a squirrel dancing near the trigger?"

"ya man, its cool, i got this"......
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The new light I got is so small its almost tiny... LOL

didn't have time to install it yesterday. might not have time today either due to yards to mow.
t-minus 3hrs til my next 10 hr shift

whats good folks
I can't believe this is still going on.


You can't even imagine what you could win by being a friend of JazzDad (as if there's any more incentive necessary.)
5 more days and a wake up till vacation. got the schedule for the 3 days I work before I go on leave. I get to do a 12 hour overnighter then turn around 8 hours later and do another 8 hours.... yea  :crazy:
Oh ive got this, not much different around here then being a certified first responder minus transporting and PCRs. Basics in sc are able to do much. On the Ambo 7 hours left
That's the same here in MI. It's not a full step almost like a 1/4 step up.

I took MFR after the Academy and the went right in to basic then waited about 3 years to start medic.
I'm a CFR, but CRS, fairly sizeable  leap in scope of practice between the two here but an ALS fly car and BLS transport respond with us so it's not often we can even get a set of vitals before they arrive.

Being an officer type, I don't end up doing much of anything on EMS calls with CPR type calls being the exception so my skills are lacking..

My wife and oldest son just completed EMT-B, wife is going the nurse route and the kid is headed to EMT-P.
I might go advance emt but medic is a no go. I just need my patch to pair with my FFII cert. Eventually I will go back to Engineering school. And finish my M.E. degree
ok, for anyone who cares, 2 McDonalds clubhouse burgers plus hard boiled eggs plus tacos with Jalapenos DOES in fact lead to a night on the crapper....thought you all should know
He probably has three cast iron stomachs. Just talking about indigestion gives me indigestion. Be glad ya'll can have dairy. You don't realize how much stuff has milk in it until you can't have any
seriously i cant even remember being this bad in a loooong time. i FLEW home, im normally a very comservative driver but the whole ride home my stomach felt like i got kicked in the junk
meant to mow a few yards when i got off. instead body said sleep so thats what i did. i did manage to get 3 and a half yards mowed before it got too dark. so ill have to do the rest tommorow.

went to boro and had steak n shake last night. 

i have found through the years that krystals chili cheese fries and dr pepper are almost a guaranttee for immediate bowel evacuation.... so will drinking excessive amounts of pepsi

working 12 hours today...

4 days and a wake up till vaca...

nic needs to give something away its almost been 2 weeks.
waiting on sirrennet to tell me they are sending me my other one of these...

just "assembled" the first one and ill try to put it on the car later tonight.... debating if i want to steady burn it and add it to one of my existing flasher so i have a red "x" on the back... or set these to one of their own patterns....
Nic has busy with life. Give him some time I am sure he will come up with something good. 

Also I got off early today so that is nice.. 
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Truck is in the shop getting some Upfitting done that I couldn't be bothered to do myself. once the truck is completed I'll post an install thread. I'm not going to waste people's time here making an install thread which takes over a month to show the completed job. You know who you are.
Truck is in the shop getting some Upfitting done that I couldn't be bothered to do myself. once the truck is completed I'll post an install thread. I'm not going to waste people's time here making an install thread which takes over a month to show the completed job. You know who you are.

now who would do such a thing?!? :p
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there might be 2 of us....

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