Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

Still, open invite.  Our SAR dogs don't do the bite work (well the chiefs cadaver/drug/tracking dog does).  We just have someone wander off into the woods/cornfield/river bottom and try to hide from us. 

As far as decoy say artform,  I say I've been on that end....and I think you be :crazy: .

Anyone can just run out there in a suit or with a sleeve and get bit.  The decoy is what makes a dog's bite better. A good decoy is as crucial to training as the handler's understanding of training.   

We would teach our dogs to target various areas and feel comfortable. To do this... you need a good decoy.  Teaching inner thigh bites was not always fun though.   
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Oh I totally get all of that...makes for a better dog which results in better bites and more effective takedowns.  Some of our folks assist with local PD K9s and do the decoy thing....I still think anyone that volunteers to go get bit is a lil nuts, lol.
Oh I totally get all of that...makes for a better dog which results in better bites and more effective takedowns.  Some of our folks assist with local PD K9s and do the decoy thing....I still think anyone that volunteers to go get bit is a lil nuts, lol.

I had to do it four years before I even got a K9 spot. I would literally take vacation time to go out to k9 training.  
I witnessed a bite work takedown of an unruly runner one day at work..

guy deserved what  he got tho
im so tired i cant even sleep anymore

here for, well, whatever it is im here for
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Another Louisiana officer shot and killed yesterday. This one only 45 minutes from me in the parish that borders us to the south. Guy managed to take his duty weapon and killed him with it. .... and is now "in custody". When did we become so soft as to always take people like that into custody??
Damn it, did I miss out on the K9 conversation?!
Decoying is totally an art. Decoys make or break the dogs. Crap decoys will yield crap dogs.
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True. Y'all still crazy though.........
TO: FEVER.....

I'll post here due to the larger prospective audience......

Any chance you (or anyone else for that matter) could post a video of the new Feniex Apollo light heads compared to the old ones. I have looked everywhere for a (even short) video that compared the two light heads next to each other to see just how much brighter the new 12's are as compared to the 6's.
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To add to that...Station 3 posted a wicked video of the Apollo mini bar on his youtbe page.....
Tristate pse has a comparison vid already. W/A
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here's vid...

looks like today is going to be one of those days already..... :crazy:
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Thanks for posting that Jarred!! Was pretty neat to see them in a direct comparison, although there isn't as much of a difference as I thought there would be.
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Thanks for posting that Jarred!! Was pretty neat to see them in a direct comparison, although there isn't as much of a difference as I thought there would be.

I try to tell people Double LED doesn't always mean double bright
videos dont do lights justice that well though. ill be winn... uh i mean buying some eventually to try out

so apparently today when i came in i was supposed to unlock every classroom on campus and supposedly i was told that yesterday.....

thats 2 times this week my boss has forgotten to tell me something.  

:no: :duh:

took me 45 minutes to do that, which put me 45 minutes behind the job i was SUPPOSED to do.
well this day is over... now to mow a few yards and work 24 hours at the other job this weekend
Well, this weekend has been a complete waste of productivity. I have managed to sit on my butt and do nothing other than assist the SO with a foot chase yesterday on my way home from Walmart.

Also preparing to go home to Houston for a few days and attend yet another funeral for an officer killed in the line of duty. Thanks to my Dad, I still have MANY friends that work for Houston/Harris County.

This FU**ING S**T against cops has to end... but it won't until we (or armed citizens) begin unloading on anyone who tries to harm us.
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Yes, FEVER just selected the most current winner last week. It appeears that winners are selected at greatly varied intervals.

Lots of interesting interaction between forum members in between announcement of random winners.
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Back to the grind...  Checking in for my first 8...  Looking like a 10 day stretch for me...  I just signed up for Overtime on my 3 days off...  12 (regular overtime) on Thursday, 12 (doubletime) on Friday and 8 (doubletime) on Saturday...  lol

I think Nic is diversifying his business...  I got a package from his address, but it had a different business name on it...  lol  There were lights in the package, but not the fleshlights that the mailing label suggested...  lol
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Just be careful there isn't a Real Doll in there with your lights Timmay...
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So what "FLESHlights" did the package suggest were in there?? LMAO
blahhhhhh first day back from vacation. was a very nice vacation though
Is anyone else having "a Monday"? Here in the office, all the girls are having a crappy day, the city maintenance crew has 9,000 things going wrong, the ladies in the post office are having a lot go wrong, and even the folks at the bank say it has been a crappy day already. Makes me want to find a verrrrrrrry good hiding spot and stay there until, about, oh, Thursday.
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Yes, it is Monday for me, but so far no problems or complaints to mention. Fingers crossed that it stays that way.
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how about Monday after a week off........ and 300+ patients in your panel...... my inbox was interesting this morning. ..
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Actually, my morning went well. It began with me waking up. I always look forward to that.

I was going to the city to mail a few packages and make my monthly bank deposit, but I decided to mow first. It turned out to be a good plan as I mowed from 9 AM to Noon and got a LOT  (about 3 acres) mowed. I can finish up the last of it tomorrow morning.

Now, its Ramen noodle time, followed by a shower (and dressing. Clothing is not optional in the county seat.) then off to the city. 
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Fever and Feniex are THE BEST. Had a slight mishap with my order, lights were put onto the wrong frame for the lightbar, well wrong model year which made a difference. So I contacted Fever, AWESOME where they contacted me back in no joke 15 minutes, Feniex then contacted me, spoke with them directly and just waiting now for my replacement bar. Absolutely perfect customer service from both companies!!!!
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I'm still waiting for someone to be selling an all blue split universal Apollo with the F6's at a discounted rate..... since it's the "old" version.
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Timmy... how did signing for that package go? 

AJ... The new version in all blue is going to be the same as the new version... doubt there is a difference in price.. only the dual color prices changed. 
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Ahhhhh.... I just figured that since they now describe the single color as "extreme" that single colors got the 12 as well.

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