Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

I wish some more lights would sell!!! I need some t3's!!

showed up when i got off at 3

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ok cool.. never responded about the difference but i figured you would get the point when you got the package
my favorite company FEVER -- and I mean that seriously not sarcastically lol.
Been here since 1400. CAD crashed at 1600 and is still down.....
Four day weekend!
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4 day weekend? Double time? I wish.

For those that may not have seen Deputy Darren Goforth's funeral yesterday, it was revealed that he had just bought himself and his young son matching Captain America t-shirts. They never got to wear them. So, his son wore his to the funeral under his suit coat, and it was revealed during the service that Deputy Goforth was also wearing his under his uniform. In response, all of my LEO friends have changed their profile picture to this, and I think it's an AWESOME picture.

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Reactions: Retired1 The Free FEVER Fantasy Football League is up and running. Have room for 9 more people. Draft is set for tomorrow at 8pm est. (Can be shifted if everyone needs it to be)

Will have a prize for the winner. 

I don't know enough about the game to play and Typhoon speakers are no longer a possible prize, so..............................

I nominate myself to be the designated female cheerleader locker room towel boy  
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well the assholes still have you tube blocked here so no uploading my videos....
Chief.... I think Tanya is a cheerleader.  

Anyone interested in the Fantasy Football league shoot me a message with your email address. 
Not a problem. The waiter at Denny's said that Tanya is a pretty hot tamale. 
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And yet not in chat timmay... 
here for twelve.. brought 6 movies to entertain me...
Alert - Battle Stations - Bee Do Bee Do Bee Do bedo bedo bedo Weee Weee Be Do Be Do 
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I am here for ? - just getting ready to watch the Italian F1 race from Monza
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Tony (Jarred has been edited out because he is NOT a dispatcher),

I know most people call you, however, to break the monotony of your day, here are a couple of chicks that want you to call them....

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hmmm since youtube is blocked itll be a few days before i can see that.... and im not a dispatcher

the "communications" part of my description over there


is for Amateur radio, since i am a "HAM" volunteer with the EMA. (EMA Volunteer wasnt a choice)

neither is my new job "watchkeeper" which is code for "not security" and "jack of all trades"
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I lucked into it. I found it by accident at a wrecking yard when I stopped to look at a salvaged old pick up they had for sale. They had removed the cover from a wrecked 2011 F150 and had it propped against the wall in their showroom. It needed 1 minor repair, which has been done, and I was able to order keys from the manufacturer. Its not perfect but a solid 3 x 3 (looks good at 3' at 3 mph). I gave up my aluminum tool box, but I think the bed will be much more useful now.
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Tony (Jarred has been edited out because he is NOT a dispatcher),

I know most people call you, however, to break the monotony of your day, here are a couple of chicks that want you to call them....

Indeed..... However, *I* would LOVE for this deputy to want me to call him. :fangirl:

Me too... :/.... Asst. Chief called in sick, so I have to work on my day off. Only good news is this town is one of the very few that has holiday pay..... I'm on double time!!
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