But, the violation was "in" the city limits and the officer made the stop "out" of the city. See, that's fine here, do it a lot, as Farog butts right up against our east border.
The problem I had (went all the way to ND surpreme court) was a DUI stop. Called in by a motorist. Car passed thru my city on the interstate, but I observed a violation outside of the city. However, state law grants us a measly 1.5 miles ex-terratorial (sp) jurisdiction, meaning we still have jurisdiction 1.5 miles outside of the city. So, I follow guy and observe a violation about 1.2 miles outside of the city (I went out later on and measured it myself, but I knew where the 'barrier' was). I knew exactly where I saw the violation, but the prosecutor was never able to present any scientific data as to location and distance in court, kept being objected to. So, without any hard evidence, the case got tossed. Sucked, but you win some, you lose some. From that incident, and time I'm outside of my city jurisdiction, disregarding the 1.5 mile BS, I always get on the channel of the area I'm in and ask whoever if they want me to stop the car or continue to follow. If they ask me to stop, they're basically asking for mutual aid, and their jurisdiction extends to me.
And people wonder why I think DUIs are a PITA... :? :roll: