Code 3 PSE LP6000 Nostalgia bar!

Stampeed Valkyrie

Senior Member
Jun 18, 2013
It took me about 3 years on and off to put this bar together.. Thanks to various elb members that I have slowly collected parts from for this project.. and thanks to the grumpy lady on Craigslist for selling me this beater bar.

I have replaced all the rotators.. and polished up the blue dome.. gave it a novus 3, 2, and plastix treatment.. that dome has come a long, long way!
So now you might ask.. why bother.. its not worth anything and you can find them pretty easily so not rare.. correct. BUT!

When I was still actively running this bar.. ok not this bar, but a bar set up similar is what was loaned to me to use. Back then I was in School and broke and lights were expensive.. Now I am an Adult (lol questionable) have a job and I am still broke! and lights are still expensive.. so go figure.
My station had a lightbar that was in terrible shape.. but the good news was it was fixable and I could use it if I put time into it.. so after sourcing parts this is what it ended up looking like.. though worse! At the end of the day I ended turning a non working light into a working light and when I stopped running I turned the light back into the station in much better shape then I found it. Where that light is... only the man upstairs knows!

So enough of that.. mission accomplished and this bar will get to go somewhere prominent among the flock of Aerodynics.

Do you remember the first lights you used to run with?


Indeed they did.. they were the final parts I needed once I cleaned it up.
The LP looks great! I started with a FS Firebeam and a Mini-Jet. I gave the Firebeam to a buddy who needed a light back in 1996/97. I got her back a few years later and she is still runs like a champ. The mini-jet I sold to my Asst. Chief when I left Montana in 1999 and have been kicking myself EVER since... Every time I find one for sale no cash. When I have cash... Hopefully I will stumble across one soon LoL. Enough of my rant, again its a beauty!


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