Code 3 XT3 Series


New Member
May 24, 2010
Hello, I have been considering, then subsequently reconsidering what to add to my patrol car for the past couple of months. I have decided on what I am going to accomplish; an LED on either side of the push bumper, two to the front, a rear deck LED, headlight flasher, and tail light flasher. I have decided on SoundOff for the flashers which leaves me with the decision on the LEDs. On the old forum I had inquired on the TIR3 or LIN3, which in turn resulted in a recommendation on the LINZ6 with the older shroud. Before I fully commit to a setup to propose to my Captain, I was wanting to see how the Code 3 XT3's have been farring in the market. As OCD as I am, I for some reason would like the additional lighting to match that of the lightbar; a Code 3 2100X, given the same flash rates of the LEDs and same colors or shades. Have these performed well?

If these have been accepted as a good buy, was consider a single LED in red on the driver's side of the push bumper flanked on the passenger side by one in blue. On the front, a red on the driver's side and a blue on the passenger, with all four sync'd. For the rear deck, was considering two of the dual XT3 setups, with a double red on the driver's side of the CHMSL and a double blue on the other. Both of these sync'd.
I think the XT3 lighthead is a great deal at $40. Don't know why anyone one ever pay more for a Whelen Tir3
If you like code 3 stick with them. I think the Tomar Rect13 and the Whelen LInz6 are brighter then the xt3.
Well I will give you my opinion on the xt3 lightheads as i had them in the grille of my patrol car when it was issued to me. for the price, yes, they are cheaper than the whelen tir3s, however there is a reason i no longer have them in my cruiser. i went thru 4, yes 4, sets of them as they continually crapped out on me because they would retain moisture and water in the lightheads, eventually causing them to go out. now maybe they were just a bad batch, however this problem occured in probably 30-35 cruisers in our fleet. now, we have the dual xt3s mounted in our rear decks on each side of the brakelight and they have been great. i would stay away from them if you are looking to mount them exterior of the vehicle and go with something else. this is just my .02, you can do what ya want, but if you are as ocd as i am, there is nothing worse than looking at your car lit up and seeing lightheads burnt out or full of water.

i sell tons and tons of the XT series, and yes at first they did have some moisture issues, but they have been resolved.

the XTseries , the 3 4 and 6 diode models are insane bright.

they have far better off axis than the TIR series, it rivals the LIN's

of course the linz6 are brighter they have twice the diodes.

they have tons of different models from the XT3, XT302, 304 and 308 the XT4 XT402, XT6 Xt602, and 2 arrow models. a 28inch and a 46inch model
I have installed all three sizes of the XT lightheads along with one of dash lights. The first car I completely did in the XT series lights was in 2009 and I got some of the first off the line. I have replaced no heads, had no problems and love them as they are super bright. Here are a couple videos.



Thank you for the input, any recommendations as to where to purchase these items? Using Google, one obviously finds more retailers for products from Whelen and the like, much fewer for Code3.
ED Roehr Safety Products in St. Louis 800-392-8210. Ask for Kristin and tell her TJ recommended you (hope that works) and they'll take great care of you and no one has ever even come close to giving me a better price on C3 then them.
ED Roehr Safety Products in St. Louis 800-392-8210. Ask for Kristin and tell her TJ recommended you (hope that works) and they'll take great care of you and no one has ever even come close to giving me a better price on C3 then them.

Checked their website and they seem to have access to products from the manufacturers I am interested in... would like to simply this all with one big order from one shop. Anyways, shot her an email through their sales email address and am awaiting a response/quote. Will let you know how it pans and/or if I need a second recommendation.
VolEms said:
If you like code 3 stick with them. I think the Tomar Rect13 and the Whelen LInz6 are brighter then the xt3.

Yeah, insanely bright. I'd recommend the Rect13's.

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