Completed brush truck video added 6-25-11

I think I can say of behalf of all ELB members. Were all very proud of your work. You were given a very small budget and made the best of it. Congrats on your good work.
You can fit a few more lights in that bar either than that it looks great.
Hey dude,

First off, I gotta say, bang up job on this truck. For working with what little you had to go on, very well done. The wiring looked clean and well laid-out, and the pint and home-made lightbar turned out really nice.

A suggestion for the future, if I may provide one:

I realize wiring is expensive as hell right now, but for purposes of clarity and allowing others who may work on the wiring in the future, use multiple colors of wiring to distinguish between circuits (e.g. Red for hot/positive, black for ground/common/negative, blue for one circuit, green for another, etc.) so that way you're not having to chase down stuff by guessing later on down the road.

But again, with what you had, I'd say you knocked it out of the park and then some.

EDIT: Also, if you'd like, I have a pair of amber Whelen LIN3s that I'd be willing to donate to you at no cost for use on the rear if you need them. They're four-wire control and have flanges with them. Just let me know if you need them, and I'll send them your way.
When I wiring the truck I never thought of chaning wire colors. I did label everything, but labels do fall off. Here in the next couple of weeks I will be wiring the Tahoe I use at my other dept., and I will remember that.


For an old ex-ambulance, that turned out well. What in the world happened to your cab clearance lights??

I think all you need is an HLF, a brush guard, and some beefier tires on the back. Other than that, it looks great.

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